Original Post
important post plz read
i know this is hard for me to do but im leaving KO due to inactivity and for those that do post thank you for keeping this community alive for so long you are the guys that keep the clan alive i hope you guys stay alive longer than i have stayed in this clan as for appointing i appoint azazell to my position leader i trust him as a more active member than anybody else in the clan i wish good luck to reveryone on this clan
... well you can leaave but theres one thing: If you had fn in this klan then by leaving you arnt helping you are helping to create it into a sub-clan and then we will be forced to pay 50K to keep it real. If i am wrong with what i have said please notify!


PS- Gl in your TB adventure!
Klan Opposition.
Nah, you guys wont have to pay 50k to keep the clan official. Its official and unless you guys go completely inactive it will stay official.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
I still check because I put a lot of effort into this clan. I still care about how it does even though I'm a member of Hive.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Woah... Um disappointing but thanks I guess. If anyone should be leader it is butt, i'll be co-

*Edit* According to the roster I am Co- and the non existing rollin is leader. I'll do all I can to revive KO, I am still having internet problems though (Im sitting on my porch right now getting wireless :P) But it should be fixed soon.
Last edited by Azazell; Jul 4, 2009 at 04:50 AM.