Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Clan Profile

Hello, We Are Woor! And this is our mission.

We are a clan of toribasher's with standards to high for our own goods. If you apply here as an average player, do not expect to get in. We only accept people Black Belt and up, unless you are an amazing lower belt. No Move copying, or noob moving is accepted here. We expect you to be Active on the forum, if you are not, we Kick you. if you bring us a bad reputation, we kick you. If you disrespect another member, we will kick you, but with a passion =P.


One lonely warrior named fogle was training vigorously for days, getting ready for the trials ahead of him, when another man, expecting the same fate, yelled up to him, "hey, need a hand?". the warrior was outraged that this man believed he was at the same level as him, he was merely outraged at the fact that he was not considered a living god!
He called down to the man "who are you to speak to me in such a way?". the man replied, "noone, if thats all i am to you". this statement planted a seed of interest in the warriors iron heart, what a response, said by a normal man.
He and the man started to converse, soon after the warrior learned that this man was no simple man, but a demi-god, a REAL living god. What was his name? BLAJ! These two men were unstoppable, with Blaj's talent in fighting, and fogles talent in training, these two men created an empire based on war. and what was their battle cry?






honorary mentions:

Member Profiles

One of the founders of [woor]. Talented at wushu, kickboxing, and almost all weird mods. Fogle does not waste time playing noobs, and will leave rooms until finding people worth playing. He is fairly not talented at photoshop. Wanna be good with science and reading. Signature taunt: LOL
I dont get Infractions. =P
Blaj is one of the leaders of [woor]. He is pretty cool and very talented. He does not care about belts at all and tells everyone to stfu when they annoy him with their shitty belt talk. He is okay at phatashaps, pro at debating (u sux lmao) and his signature taunt is : "wanna take off shirt and kiss?".
His favourite mods are aikido, kickbox, classic, taekyon and spiritwrestling.
His head's been made by stone wall. <33333 stonewall!!!!
Clan Infractions: 346435477696704563524
a member of woor. Good at aikido, taekkyon, jousting, ok at twinswords and judo, nooby at wushu and kickboxing, good at noob moves (not really) and pro moves (mabey). he practice's noobism(at halo 3) and doesnt have a signiture taunt NEW TAUNT how about... Go Cal?
He may not infract people.
Clan Infractions: 2
andcream is a member of [woor] he is quite talented at most things, range seems to be his weekness though. however when faced with a real challenge he will rise to and perform at his vary best, although its not always good enough.
Clan Infractions: 1
A member of [woor]. Quiet talented but more active in Singleplayer. When it's got to get bad for him, he starts the real BASHING. Don't laugh about his Belt color, he is going to kick you ass then!!! He is good at: classic, aikido, twinswords, betabox and several other stupid mods! Can win a fight in every situation
Clan Infractions: 1
Some little child that begged for love.
Clan Infractions: 2
None yet Go Cal!!!
Clan Infractions: 1
Clan Infractions: 0
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Clan Infractions: 0
Please PM me for info here
Clan Infractions: 0
Please PM me for info here
Clan Infractions: 0
Please PM me for info here
Clan Infractions: 0
Please PM me for info here
Clan Infractions: 0
Please PM me for info here
Clan Infractions: 0
Last edited by BlackRozez; Mar 19, 2009 at 05:53 AM.

wanna take off shirt and kiss?