Original Post
[B] Complete Set (with joints)
So I have been on the look out for a set for a while now.
It needs to be decent looking (100k tc or more in price of quality).
Has to have joint textures and be eye catching. Since everyone will be seeing me on YouTube, it needs to be good.
ok well i do have a set but no-one seems to be interested however it does look cool and i will sell cheaply if you're interested its fine if you're not and i can also do a few changes if needed however if you dont want it thats fine but ill sell to you for however much you're willing to pay if you're intereted (making a better head soon that one's only temp) but yeah it'd be cool to get this sold

the set

Much shmexiness
I want something that looks similar in quality to what I'm currently using. It has to be worth more than 100k, anything cheaper looks bad.
That set looks like one picture on every texture except the head. It's not worth much, probably like 5k or so.

Compare it to this, this set sold for 40k. I like its idea but it has a bad head and needs a vibrant colour to make it more eye catching. I want something that is near perfect.


yeah ik :/ ok i might try and work on something that im not being lazy and using same pic on xD lol but yeah ok this will be my no.1 priority for now
Much shmexiness
This isn't really a request, I'm looking for premades. But if you want to make something go ahead, but I may buy something before you finish (if you take long).

Size 512 always pls
I asked you what size do you want because i saw you have 128x joint textures with 256x body textures and 512x head texture xD
its always best to have in 512x512 because if you want to change the size of your texture you dont need anyone to resize
Much shmexiness