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TamaKuu's appreciation - THIS IS NOT A GOODBYE
Read the title - this is not a goodbye. I just felt a few happy feels and such and decided to show my appreciation to you guys. Pretty bad timing of me to decide to do this before April fools day, you guys might believe this is a joke.

I want to thank all of the members here, whether they be teachers or students, for making the slight attempt of keeping this org alive. For those out there who tried harder and pierced my heart with a shiny healing bolt of lighting, you'll be stated below. Right now.

Alaistier - The good friend who I entrusted this org to when I went through another one of my many phases. Great guy overall and he knew how to get the job done. When I came back that one day and saw that RSO went official, I was the happiest man alive. I wanted to come back so bad, to help the friend who maintained the org for me until it went official. When we led together, I felt like we were gods, spreading joy and sparring skill across the world we knew as Toribash. To make it even better, I eventually joined Habeeb and Alai's clan, getting to really know the guys. Alaistier soon became the friend that I really didn't want to disappoint. I'm pretty sure I did, after I went inactive and came back, ending up leaving [The] and joining [Q] soon after...

Alaistier, I want to thank you for putting up with my phases and being one of the coolest guys I know. From this day forward, my Toribash days haven't been same without you bro. You'll always be one of best friends, even if I met you through the internet.

NearlyDead - Despite your cold exterior that occasionally hurts me sometimes, you're an incredibly cool dude that has the talent to do so many cool art related things. You're also a really fun dude to hang out with when you're in a goofy mood.

I'm sure that if I had a better computer and played the games that you played alongside you, we'd be even better friends than we are now. I hope that in the future, we can conquer any game that steps in our path like bosses.

Dobby - One of my favorite anime and hentai buddies. You're funny and... scary most of the time (because you're always trying to rape me).

Same thing as Nearly goes for you. I'm sure we'd bring the house down on any mmorpg together.

Velair - You're a goofy little dude, but you're like the little brother I've always wanted. We share plenty of the same interests, we're both artists, and we're both... well, mildly insane.

D3m0nz - A really good friend from WAAAYY back in 2011-2012. I remember when you were going up in the Toribash world, fascinating all sorts of people, including me. It wasn't until last year, I believe, that I got to really know you and started to hang out with you. Over the time of our many hang outs, along with the other bros on this list, I realized that you're a really cool and funny dude, as well as talented.

Zeroback - Pretty much the exact same thing as D3m0nz, haha.

If you're not on this list, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you. It just means you didn't play a very big part in my online life, but I love you all just the same.

Thank you all for putting up with my repetitive bullshit.

Thread will be closed in week. I don't expect you to comment on anything, just absorb this.
Last edited by Marrez; Mar 31, 2013 at 11:37 PM.
the goblin