Original Post
(APP) [Anbu]
Clan Story:

One day, in the land of Bash, A feirce basher, Narutowned, and his friend, Mr. 1337, were off, on a long mission to save the prince, Makaveli, who is trapped in a tower, with guards, dragons, and one evil basher-slayer at th top, in the prince's room, and going to decap him in 24 hours!
"We must hurry! It's a 12 hour walk from the village, to the castle!" said Narutowned,
"Yeah... But I gotta GO!" said Mr. 1337.
"But you were supposed to go before we left!"
"Oh, it's ok, I'm ok. Let's go. *slosh* *squish* *squish*"
"Yeah! And f we complete this, We get dubbed to be memers of [Anbu]!" Said Narutowned. And so, Narutowned, and Mr. 1337, get set out on their misson, to find the prince Makaveli.

After 2 hours of walking...

"There's the castle!" Said Mr. 1337,
"But i thought that it was 12 hours away, not 2... lol, Oh well..." Said Narutowned.
Narutowned, and Mr. 1337 set out into the castle. At the front, there was 2 guards, standing by the doors. Narutowned flicked his wrist, and his hand turned black! Directly after, he punched them in the head, and the heads went FLYING!
"what the..." questionned Mr. 1337,
"it's called the instagib. we all have it, just flick a part of your body, and if it turns black, it's instagib time!"replied Narutowned
"ok..." finished Mr. 1337
And so, they carried on to the top of the castle. When they reached the stairs, to go to the room carrying the prince, 2 dragons popped out from the wall! They blend into their environnment, like a chamelion! So Mr. 1337 whipped out his giant battleaxe, and Narutowned pulled out his giant fist, and they both flicked their wrists, and their weapons turned black!
"It's instgib time..." Narutowned, and Mr. 1337 said in unison, "let's go to work."
There wre axe's and fists all over the place. the fight was over in 5 minutes!
The door creaked open, and the duo said,
"that was easy."
As they walked into the room, they saw the basher-slayer.
He was huge! (and reeked of pee...)
So the duo set into battle! the did the same thing they did in the previous battle, aulthough, he didn't go down! The duo ran out of the door, and went into a huddle position.
hunched over, Narutowned said "ok, here's the plan. we go into super instagib, jump, and extend knees and DECAP HIM! To go into super instagib, you must extend knees, rotate right lumbar, and left rotate chest. then, your body will glow red, and black. so then jump, and extend knees, and SUPERD DECAP!"
Mr. 1337 replied, with an accepting nod, and so they did, and they decapped him.

5 Hours Later...

"Thank you, for retreiving my son, and so i dub thee, Narutowned, to be fro now on, known as, [Anbu]Narutowned!, and thee, [Anbu]Mr. 1337!" said the king.

And that is the origin of [Anbu].

(note: Mr. 1337 is not part of [Anbu], he is the leader of [Arson], but he may join if he would like. *hint* hint*)

I WILL pay the 50k toricreits. (not sure when)
Last edited by narutowned; Jan 21, 2008 at 11:51 PM.
i have smartitude on so many levels
It might well be a good idea to post a discussion topic for your clan before applying, to help integrate yourselves with the community, among other things. I've certainly never heard of you.

Regardless, good luck to you and your clan.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
do you even have members?

this clan thing is getting way out of hand.

up the price to 100k or something
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

No, 1 million is more fit.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
Originally Posted by Redwards View Post
No, 1 million is more fit.


Anyway, I don't like the story very much. It reminds me of what I used to write in 4th grade. You need to use spellcheck too.

<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Originally Posted by TehBasher View Post
Didn't veb say somewhere that it would have to be in 1 whole.. idk.

umm, reread it.
i have smartitude on so many levels
You have to have 7 members...
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
And you must pay before you submit.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*