Original Post
[DSC]Angels Of Death
Vladcasl - 4th dan black belt
MrSuperKarate - 2dn dan black belt

rina - 2dn dan black belt

Top members:
Gluz - 2dn dan black belt

Vivilon - black belt
kinggoldrus - brown belt
ikilu - brown belt
dragongold - brown belt
illownyou - black belt
Fry1ock - brown belt
Dycros - brown belt
Shumaher - green belt(O-o)

Clan is Half-Russian. Captains and leaders must be russians.
If you want to join please sent to me P.M..
Legend of clan:
Epilogue:... Also banish they from heavens, they have been expelled from paradise. They also have started to sow death and chaos, anything and nobody could stop them. These are the most ruthless and strongest essences in world Toribash. Anybody still could not win them, their weapon - a bloody sword, and they look so, that enemies die of fear on a place....... All has begun for a long time, it is a lot of centuries back, the person has come to World Toribash. Nobody knew it, and did not wish to know. It was one, without money without the help without authority. Weak and defenceless. Nothing allocated it among other People. It did not have Friends. But this person had any secret force which anybody did not know. Any clan did not involve It. There was no place where It would like will stop. But It had will, mind and confidence of. So Its life in World Toribash has begun. It was complex to it to live as well as all that chose freedom. But It lived. And So has passed through all. It humiliated and despised. But It has sustained. Also became the Best. So. It the Best. Before It it is a lot of opportunities. Before It doors are opened all. The best clans wish to catch it. To it promise everything, that It only will wish: money, the house, women. But this all is not necessary for It. It wishes to create the clan to revenge that who once scoffed at it and despised It. Now It can receive that will want. It is free, rich and strong. It does not have barrier. And those who have once prevented to it now are afraid. And it has created a new clan. A clan strong, but not the weapon or amulets, and spirit. People who are known that by them want and of death are not afraid. Because they also are Death. It also was Its applicability in this world. It has understood, that it any more the person. It the Angel. An angel of Death. So there was Our clan. A clan of Angels of Death. We Angels, and on Our wings the Death flies. We light, but We struggle not for goods, and against a harm. For Us there is no nothing possible. We are strong and fearless. We do not have feelings. And for Us there are no laws. The powerful Archangel of Death has entered into capital Toriworld and all have fallen to knees before it. All were compressed in кучку, gladiators have looked down downwards, Itself Hampa hastened to do a favour, cherubs respectfully declined heads. Even gods went to shake hands with It. All knew, that is not present equal to It. Behind It there were fine soldiers, of Them as were afraid and respected. Are strong as lions and are fast as a wind. Their weapon blinded and shone on the sun. This clan were afraid, Them hated, to Them envied. (Vladcasl and michel2006)
Last edited by meatdad; Jan 10, 2008 at 08:33 AM.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
Who said they will be official?
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
rewards I made [APP] topic and i sended 50000 tc..I think we will be oficial :P
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny