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New vs old
Just was wondering who would win. Today's duelers or past older duelers (before 2010) if they were to duel today some how. Pretty sure there is a thread for this i didn't google
I'd like to see any of them beat a player like Diamond.
Also going to point out the fact that all the techniques used back then is now evolved to the point of perfection, so our moves would top theirs in every way.

But yeah, todays duelers for sure.
imo best duelers are tman, kristis, leyz, bate and s7ing.
Still all of them are inactive now but what ever.
These guys will beat Diamond for sure. Except Tman probably
if i remember correct,madwoozie would regularly play with diamond and win,
if diamond is still active you can ask him.

Looked a bit in the jolly forum,some of woozie's posts:

lot of wins

Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
MadWoozie you are mad at duels.

got bored around page 40,you can look if you want xP
Diamond was not good back then, I remember doing 3-8k duel mode with Diamond and streaking him.
He started to get really good within the last 2 years or so.

"imo best duelers are tman, kristis, leyz, bate and s7ing."

Tman and Kristis both got smashed by imapirate
and imapirate wasn't even that good, he's about as good now as he was back then.

You guys are forgetting that a few years ago the game had lower standards so the above average duelers like me, detacher, etc, would probably be as good, if not better, than all of them.
In my opinion Diamond is one of the best ABD players ever, period. I haven't seen anyone like him since Cold.
I would say the newer duels, there are some pretty solid players these days, not saying the 2010 duelers and before suck they just wont be as experienced as the new.
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
the duelers now would smash old duelers hands down, just by the fact that most of us are skilled in almost every mods, most of the old duelers probably stuck to one mod and didn't get to experience other mods or never wanted to duel in them, there are far good abd players now than back then
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
and i think that the old duelers would destroy the new guys,but hey,each to his own i guess.

Well the thing really isn't about the individual skill of players. The playstyle (meta) in each mod has changed. I only know stuff about TK, so I'll take that as an example. Tk 3 years ago was very different thank TK nowadays.
The old-school style of TK (aka one hand forward 2 turnkick) would get destroyed by an easy defensive style. Mods change when people find out new/better ways to play them.
Duelers nowadays would win old-school duelers because they play the mods better.

Simple as that imho.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jun 24, 2016 at 12:28 PM.