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New WR Idea?
ok so i have an idea, idk if its been suggested yet but since we have like highest points hit, what about lowest points hit? essentially making a softest hit WR and have it like the less points the hit gets you the better

Now a validation rule would have to be that the hit has to actually get you points, i know you can hit and the bruise shade will appear but no points rewarded

and i cant really see this creating any other variations (there could be softest kick / punch but this could be avoided by saying softest hit as the title)
| TANG |
please be my friend :( Leviathot#5602
Maybe it could be the person getting 1 damage in the quickest amount of time is the holder? It would be kinda hard doing it very fast because that increases the velocity of your attacks increasing the damage.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
useally ''fastest ...'' records are limited to the time you need to fulfill a given task. for example
fastest decap . you either get the decap or you dont in x frames
basically a yes or no question

in your suggestion are 2 measurable units
not saying that this cant be a thing
would it be a time based record ? or a point based ?
is a 12 damage in 5000 frames replay better than 13 damage in 59 frames ?
is it damage>time or time>damage
could be a cool thing , but hard to explain especially to new playes
I would say damage > time since that's what the guy wants to base the record off.

And yes 12 damage in 5000 frames would be better than 13 damage in 59 since this record is based on the lowest amount of damage done. And it shouldn't be hard to explain to newer players if they understand that definitively damage > time. And I also think it would be a cool world record since I wanna see what moves people would do.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
I'm not a fan of the idea of multiple "variables" in a record, at best it would be fastest to 1 point. Even then I think it's a weird record but you're free to post attempts if you're interested
oh yeah
It could be some separate, simple records, keeping in consideration always having default game rules:

-Lowest damage/points, which, for now, no one has
-Fastest self damage, although Jaker would already own this record
-Fastest damage, although pusga would already own this record

Those doesn't seem too bad at all.

Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
the problem is that you just do a 1 dmg hit and then there is no more competition possible

Yes, but considering how hard it is to get little to no points, while touching uke, it would take some time to happen. Plus, there's already an unbreakable record: Jaker's perfect balance.
Last edited by victortb; Oct 31, 2019 at 07:45 PM. Reason: this forum is broken
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
Plus, there's already an unbreakable record: Jaker's perfect balance.

no theres not, perfect balance was removed because it was unbreakable(to my knowledge). if theres no competition anymore theres no point in it being a record; its just a gimmick

same goes for this record. get a 1 pointer then thats it. get a 1 pointer faster then theres just too many variables in the record. if we were to accept that logic, someone could equal the current boomhit record a frame faster and then hold the record, or someone could equal the most dms in a skeet record a frame faster and hold it too. they're not actually beating the records, they're just equaling it faster

Originally Posted by WerNerWerr View Post
ok so i have an idea, idk if its been suggested yet but since we have like highest points hit, what about lowest points hit?

the reason why we have a highest points is because it can keep going up and up as players find new ways to get points in single frames/hits. points just arent bottomless, you cant get less than 1

its a fun challenge, but i think its way way too broad to be a record people would actively fight over and try to beat

hate to hit yall with a fat post and i dont even moderate records, just bored