Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The story of our existence
Back in ancient times fighting was a way of life, a thrill, and just plain awesome. as many participants entered into the wars very few left (alive at least). After one competition, however, a man and another man realized they were able to defeat the others easily. So they began to enter more fights. then, tournaments of a international scale. then began to examine other warriors winning with an obvious air of superiority. The two men began to chatter to themselves what is the different between us, the victors, and them, the losers? we were raised in the same houses and neighborhoods but they cannot hope to defeat us. as they watched the competitions longer, they began to realize why they had defeated so many, they were experimenting with new techniques and defeating the old. so they gathered all the victors of the competitions in later years and they formed the group called SFST superior fighting styles and techniques.

Our goal is to win with honor and be kind and respected and HAVE FUN!
Last edited by buyakia; Oct 11, 2008 at 12:38 AM.
ima crusin for a bruisn