Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
U guise wannna fudge it?
Does anyone here just not to want to deal with the stress and annihilate the clan? I mean, it's just not how it used to be, and I don't see much of a reason of having a 5-man clan. I'm thinking of talking to some ally leaders (Probably Jim/Shin) to see if something could be done about this. Really there's no fun anymore, and I see no point in running this. Let's face facts, gentlemen =P
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Hard truth is hard... :<

Sigh.. I think I have to agree with you..

Also, IMO the best clan to 'retreat' to would be TTF.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Reply, you damned souls. Repent before the time of the end is upon us! (Translation- BIT MORE ACTIVITY, even if just for this little bit.)
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
I do. But only with fish. Or it must be shaped like fish.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Also, 'tis the cold, hard facts... We're hardly active any more, and we really don't have many members. A shame if you ask me. >.>

Oh yes: BACON!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol

Anyways- now we need 715 and C0XY to reply =o (Feel free to PM them and tell them to haul ass over to this thread.)
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.