Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post

Hey Guys, got Something Random To Share or maybe just a way to make your time in Reacti0n more pleasant post your suggestions here. I'll Start Off This By Asking The Question..

How Are you Guys Finding Reacti0n and what factors have you benefitted from Joining?

thanks Y'all Dirt.. (:
Last edited by Catguy19dotzero; Oct 20, 2009 at 12:09 PM.
Aha Lol Rabbit Stop Complaining XD And Ehm: RESTRUCTURE around Recruitment
When u see someone who is Lagit, Skilled, Mature, Charactered. Maken Them Post here In tHe Joining Thread.. So We Can Have Clan votes for That Persons Member Shit... I mean Ship
These are suggestions i have.

Custom HUD 3 - From Blam

Rabbit already knows this one, but the rest maybe not.
This script might be very handy for ingame and checking belts during recruiting.

Bigbro 1.0 - from iLLepidus

This will be handy for finding each other.
*enter signature here*
This is nice These Are the Kind Of Suggestions im looking For, For outside Clan Matters thanks cat ill need to try get that bigbro workin lol. XD
Well first I thought it didn't work, but it is actually pretty easy.

1. Download BigBro v1.1
2. To continue you need a program like winrar, it is easy to install and it is free.
3. If you already have a program like winrar or now have it all you need to do is unzip the file.
4. Place the unzipped folder in the toribash map. Mine can be found at c/programfiles/toribash
5. Now it is installed, but won't work quite yet, you need to do one more thing.
6. Open the folder named "bigbro v1.1" that now can be found in your toribash folder, there you can see the file name "list". Right click on it and open it with a text manager program. I used wordpad. Most windows versions have that preinstalled.
7. Now, you will see all the magic, it might look really complicated but it really isn't.
8. You will see alot of clan names and two names below. I did like this, first I removed the clan names and the "LIST +=" infront of them. That ensures me that the program won't keep track of those clans. Then I removed the two names with their "LIST +=". Then I added one clan "LIST += [Reacti0n]
That will tell me whenever a clan member from that clan gets online.
Then I wrote down all the clan members names. For example: "LIST += Dirtnapp"

That will personally show only when you get online.

When you are done you exsit the text manager you use and save the file. Now, all you need to do is to press the "bigbro" exe file that can be found in the same folder as the "list" file is in. You will now hear a sound like a gunshot. The program should now be running, if you look in the lower right corner you can ensure yourself of it. Now start toribash, if someone in your list is online, it will notify you down in the right corner.

I hope I made myself clear enough, if not I can continue to help ye' I can even send you mine "list" if you want to see what I mean.