Original Post
Major item problem
ok so Ofillusion made me a set and i was supposed to send him items
so i went to "deactivated" and i clicked the items i wanted to send, put in Ofillusion in the bottom and clicked "multisend"
Then it said "Something went wrong" and the items i just sent got erased and i dont know how to get them.
plz help
Bork's Answers:
@Ofillusion: Go into your User CP and there should be a message talking about a mass-send, and then the items should be there (Same happened with Bork)
@Ben: The new "Item Activated" is "Some went Wrong".

Evidence: To lazy for a Screen-shot.
mass-send by kidneypoke 01-23-2009
07:48 PM ToriBot

And it didn't turn up in Bork's private message indicator either. Just in User CP; which in fact, is the messages Wierd.
Last edited by Bork; Jan 27, 2009 at 06:41 AM.
no dude
its weird.
i dont know if it went through.
it just said something went wrong.
but thx anyways

EDIT: ok the items went through
thx bork.
close this plz
Thanks Bork, i'll fix that lovely confirmation message... heh.

donez0red PM me if you see bugs on the forums and stuff
Last edited by veb; Jan 27, 2009 at 06:56 AM.
For future reference: "Something went wrong" is a joke message, it will say "there was an error" if something actually went wrong.
This applies to every time you see "Something went wrong".

(Bork your posts are hilarious.)

EDIT: 6 minute ninjaed argh.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
It's not a joke message. It's actually an error message, but it doesn't matter because it's not actually using that function and the check was in the wrong place. (should be under the function.. not on top of it!)