Original Post
Clan Bank :D
BANK: 3500Tc.Ok so i've put 1k in start off And u dont have to Donate... I will update this regularly.

Please send money To me if u wish to donate and tell me u want the money to go in Bank

THE SYSTEM: ok so here's How it Goes...
U can Have money from the Bank providing u have first Donated A little Bit ...
or alternativley u can Borrow From it.

1K = u pay back 1.1k
2K = u pay back 2.2k
u will always payy 100 extra Back on every 1000 u borrow so keep that in Mind when u ask for a loan ...
Last edited by Tristar60; Jul 30, 2008 at 02:18 PM. Reason: Update.
"Cheese ~ Milks giant leap toward immortality"
Rolf copter
YOu know i wont be able to resist DOnating about 100k TO be special xD

But i need to get 160k more then
Donating to yo booteh

Btw ANy idea why my right trail wont work
tristar:nope sorry... ^_^
Last edited by Tristar60; Jul 24, 2008 at 10:58 AM.
Lol ulove that would be almost toooo epic XD hmmm no idea y your right trail wont work ask hampa XD he's playing again....
"Cheese ~ Milks giant leap toward immortality"
Tri, write down who donated what amount... for recognition
<DarkJak> Veb does it all the time!

Proud Member of the EMO Org
RONALDS PHAILZ (But still is ownage :3)