Original Post
[REL/WIP] Gladiator Duel
Like in the show, American Gladiator, except it's called the joust there.
Obviously, that name wasn't viable here, so I opted to use the UK name.

I'm not putting it online yet, since I want some feedback and want to preserve the filename.

I want to know if it needs:
- More distance
- More gravity
- A balance system similar to (but less rigid than) toriboxing

If you want to use the arm configuration I made, have a look at the new snippets sticky.
Attached Files
gladiatorduel.tbm (1.9 KB, 72 views)
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Could you, maybe, re-read the bit under the screenshot?
I need some feedback first
It'd be a shame if I revised the mod after people play with it a bit, and then had to upload it as gladiatorduel-fix.tbm or something.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack

your mods are great.

now for some feedback, having experience at making these threads myself, i know how important it is.

ok here goes:

i balance system would be nice, but make sure its not that drastic. its also good because then your feet wouldnt move around so much when you take a heavy swing.

a little farther apart please... i want to have enough distance to give a wealthy blow. 300-500. im not sure yet.

make the rods heavier, with heavy feet to compensate. i want to see more bloody battles in the future

mayby just a little bounce? like i said, it seems rather peaceful mod right now

have a internal cylinder in each of the exsisting ones... it should be instagib. make it so that if you hit someone lightly, it does not instagib, but if you hit someone hard, it will.

currently, you can stall by simply using your pole/thingy to prop yourself against the podium. mayby you could make the podium lighter? or you could make a bounce floor. (a plane with 0 thinkness at 0 height with 1000 bounce. DEADLY)

more gravty, not sambo gravtiy, more like 15 or 20.

a little more strength to the arms, for more damage.

^^hmmm lots of feedback. did it help?

all in all, a great mod. it like it because you can use 2 hands, which means lots more types of swings, and that you can actually block with the shaft. the first of its kind
Last edited by blkk; Feb 13, 2009 at 03:27 AM.
- its been a while
I want to know if it needs:
- More distance: No

- More gravity: Yes, but that could be done manualy

- A balance system similar to (but less rigid than) toriboxing: Not really, Make the feet more dense and the arms more powerfull, but you don't need to go all out.

Also, It would be cool if you could make a little barrier so the players don't fall off so easily
the god
Its pretty cool, but the ends of it are a little bit too big imo.