Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Chess] Want to play with us?

Welcome, future applicant.
This is the place to submit your application to our clan and hopefully get accepted as one of us.
To apply for Chess, you must write a free-form application in which you describe yourself as a person, and why you are applying to become one of our members.
I will tell you beforehand that we Chess members love a well thought out and personal application. We are a family here, and if you are going to botch the entire application and not give us any personal information about yourself or who you are as a person we wont even consider you. We want someone who is willing to open up and share as much of themselves in their application as possible. It shows that you are willing to put quality into your application and not just the bare minimum of what we expect.
Last edited by Shmevin; Apr 3, 2013 at 06:15 PM.
Timezone (GMT):-7
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity:I am more active now, I have had school and stuff so I haven't been that active but now that I am done. I have more time on my hands
Previous clans: none
Talents: None
Why you want to join us: I want to join chess because I am going to be quite the forum person, and I feel that this clan is active and respectful. There are many skilled members in this clan that I can learn a lot from so I hope to be accepted into the ranks of Chess.
How we can benefit from you as a member:I am an active member that will show up for most of the clan wars and post often to keep this board alive.
Originally Posted by PlanB View Post
Timezone (GMT):-7
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity:I am more active now, I have had school and stuff so I haven't been that active but now that I am done. I have more time on my hands
Previous clans: none
Talents: None
Why you want to join us: I want to join chess because I am going to be quite the forum person, and I feel that this clan is active and respectful. There are many skilled members in this clan that I can learn a lot from so I hope to be accepted into the ranks of Chess.
How we can benefit from you as a member:I am an active member that will show up for most of the clan wars and post often to keep this board alive.

Active and respectful....yeahh.....
Anyways, I like you. A nice clan virgin. You have a yes from me.

Just remember this if you get accepted:
Once you are in a clan, you not only have your own reputation, but everything you do effects the clan's reputation as well. Most new members get kicked within a week due to public displays of idiocy and rage.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by PlanB View Post
Timezone (GMT):-7
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity:I am more active now, I have had school and stuff so I haven't been that active but now that I am done. I have more time on my hands
Previous clans: none
Talents: None
Why you want to join us: I want to join chess because I am going to be quite the forum person, and I feel that this clan is active and respectful. There are many skilled members in this clan that I can learn a lot from so I hope to be accepted into the ranks of Chess.
How we can benefit from you as a member:I am an active member that will show up for most of the clan wars and post often to keep this board alive.

Unfortunately I didn't have the pleasure of getting to know you before applying to our clan. So what will end up happening is you becoming a trial member, where we will monitor you and see if you are a cool addition to our clan. Nothing against you, but it is precautionary, as example of what Noah said.
Name: minute (tom adkins)
Age: 6
Timezone (GMT): +1
Belt: black former 2nd Dan
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity: almost everyday for like 2 hours
Previous clans: icof, omega
Talents: art (sort of)
Why you want to join us: I like the people they are all well achieved, and famous
How we can benefit from you as a member: if the clan needs money I can donate, or activeness, clan wars etc.
Another app

And another

Anywho.. gg
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