Original Post
Failed Activity Check & Warning.
Hi there Jolly Roger, we've been rolling out new stealth activity checks and you appear to have failed this one.

The system operates in such a way to catch out clans that simply turn up for activity checks when we post them on your board - this way we don't have inactive clans slip the net. We suggest creating an "inactive" usergroup on your clan memberlist as inactivity checks are judged relative to your clan's size and declaring members as inactive/kicking them is likely to help.

Please be aware we take your board, in-game and IRC activity when doing these checks.

Failing another activity check will result in the clan being removed and you will have to prove you are active enough by going through the application process again if you choose to do so.

Good luck!
collect snots from the nose
We post when neccessary, Hisoka & I & Dengue are still active members. The others are moving countries and trying to situate in their homes. We've declared the necessary ones inactive. We are still here, just dont post much.

In our private board you can see members voting on apps.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Hello Gynx. Can you please explain what is the point of removing the clan?

It is obvious the active members want to be in jolly and do post occasionally. What is there to gain by removal of the clan, apart disappointing these people?

Thank you

Kind regards

wishful eyes deceive me