Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The War Trail
Welcome, soldiers of [BCH]!

Our first stated target is [FLUFF], a band of limb-flailing idiots if ever I saw one. Our match will most likely be carried out as the [MAD] v [TTD] match was. In other words, three of us will be going up against three of them. Take this time we have been given to do one of two things:

1. Play with each other! If we are to choose only three of us, we need to know who to use. The only measuring stick you need is another member of [BCH]. If someone's better than you, don't be afraid to admit it.

2. Play with [FLUFF]! In the same way we need to measure ourselves, we need to measure the enemy. Who are they likely to use? How are they likely to open the match, and what's the best way to counter it? If we compile a somewhat extensive profile on each of their best players, they won't stand a chance.

So get out there and spread the word, and don't forget: arm yourself for the coming war. Tards ahoy, and godspeed.
Re: The War Trail
My server should be up for thoughs who want to practice and see who's better than who
I'll edit my server post with the ip and staus
Re: The War Trail
Here's a group of replays I zipped up. Contrary to what I first thought, both Foxie and Buszmen are pretty good. Shademonger ain't so bad either. Check 'em out and measure your skill against theirs!

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Re: The War Trail
good job on those replays caenosphere. . . . anf from now on im calling you can, because that is way too long to type.

I noticed that most of these are in a judo server, which is still good, but whenw e face them it will be in a 120/10, so if any of you can get some videos of them in that type of server it would be great.
Re: The War Trail
I'd like to enter but I don't if i'll make us lose...
Here's some of my best multiplayer replays

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