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Need workout help
I'm on a weightlifting/body sculpting program that I designed myself, but I haven't been able to find/create an effective ab workout. Give me some ideas as to what you do for abs and how long it takes to see results.
I swag as a fat person's belly swaggeth as he goeth.
Originally Posted by UberDemon View Post
Give me some ideas as to what you do for abs and how long it takes to see results.

My ab work goes like this

10x in and out with weight
10x crunches with weight
20x window cleaner (so 10 on each side)
20x mason twist (so 10 on each side) with weight
10x leg lifts with weight

Edit: sometimes I also add in plank position with weight and an L-sit and hold them for as long as I can.

and I do that 3 times. Remember to move up in weight when they get too easy

results vary from person to person, most of the times ab show up because your body fat is a low %. Obivously having huge abs will help them show up easier - hence the workout, but it really changes from person to person. You can have abs at 12% bf when someone else has them at 8% bf.
Last edited by 2worlds; Sep 7, 2013 at 10:05 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
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Well step one is to ignore the idea that doing countless crunches is going to give you abs, and start listening to a professional. This is what my degree is in, and I've personally done it all my self so I know it works.

Step two is to train your ab muscles based off the functions that your abdominal muscles are suppose to handle. AKA: Supporting your spine.

Squat with heavy weight, and go below parallel. Don't use a belt until your latter working sets.

Deadlift a lot of weight. Again, don't use a belt unless you absolutely need to. Use chalk instead of lifting straps so you can still work your forearms.

Any other heavy compound movements will also help your abs. EG: Strict Military Press.

In terms of isolation movements. Pretty simple:

3x20 on either a weighted ab movement (Like Cable Crunches. Not dumbass Nautilus machines where you're using your biceps not your abs). Add more weight each time you come back to the gym. If you don't have access to that equipment, do decline crunches with a dumbbell weight.


Hanging Leg Raises for the lower abs.

Your abs are a muscle group just like every other. The only difference is they actually are being worked with most compound physical activities. Don't do them 7 days a week or you won't be recovering from you workouts and thus make 0 progress. Your ab genetics are 100% unique. What bodyfat it'll require to show them, let alone of them ripped is based off how your body stores fat. Hell, whether or not you can have a 4 pack, 6 pack, or 8 pack was decided at birth. Additionally: your diet will be a lot more critical than your exercise routine. Finally: make sure your progressively overloading.

Closing Point:

It's a lot harder to sculpt a pebble than it is to sculpt a slab of granite. Meaning: if you don't have a lot of mass on your body to begin with (like benching 200+, squatting 300+, deadlifting 400+) you probably don't have any business trying to get abs. You'll be "skinny fat" even at ridiculously low body weight. This is why skinny little punk kids in high school have rib cages, not amazing abs.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
jump up and down as fast as you can
flail your arms wildly for as long as you can

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
jump up and down as fast as you can
flail your arms wildly for as long as you can

I've been doing this non-stop for the past 3 days, but to no avail?
Am I doing something wrong? Do you flail in a clockwise manner or counterclockwise?
I swag as a fat person's belly swaggeth as he goeth.
Originally Posted by ROBOGOAT View Post
Hell, whether or not you can have a 4 pack, 6 pack, or 8 pack was decided at birth.

Thank you for the assistance, but this ^ is completely incorrect.
I swag as a fat person's belly swaggeth as he goeth.
Originally Posted by UberDemon View Post
Thank you for the assistance, but this ^ is completely incorrect.

No it's not sir. Not even kind of.

Your ab's are already designed like any other muscle in terms of insertion points. Whether or not the "sheet" of muscle is broken up into 4 slices, 6, or 8, is all determined genetically.

Yes, you might have a 4 pack at 9% and a 6 pack at 7% BF, but if you only have a 6 pack, you can get as low as 4% BF and never have an 8 pack to reveal.

CC: almost any professional bodybuilder only has a 6 pack, even though they're competition body fat is so low their organs are vulnerable.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by UberDemon View Post
I've been doing this non-stop for the past 3 days, but to no avail?
Am I doing something wrong? Do you flail in a clockwise manner or counterclockwise?

What you forgot to do was to stick your tounge out while jumping and flailing around.
Originally Posted by UberDemon View Post
Thank you for the assistance, but this ^ is completely incorrect.

It's actually completely correct.

I'd like to see your sources for it being "completely incorrect"

Edit: if you wanna start getitng in shape, first step is to stop ignoring correct advice that may or may not be what you want to hear.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
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