Original Post
Okay, so here are the rules:

No flaming
No scamming
No sex
No Killing
No toasting
No ducks
No swearing
No No-sayers
No Yes-sayers
No epic win
No liking
No bouncing
No love
No peace
No racism
No soccer
No candy
No soda with the letter P in the name
No smilies
No cards, birds, fingers, grapes, feathers or poop
No end of this post

If any of these rules are broken he/she will be.......................eaten XD
Last edited by noobeater; Jan 20, 2009 at 07:30 PM.
Isnt playing Toribash anymore...

No shitting at the table of the cafe nearby!

You shall not be yellow belt.

You shall not be an ass.

You shall not buy food at wal-mart.

You shall not let kitties live.

You shall not be serious.

Your english shall not suck.

You shall not be an alcoholic mutant with 5 eyes at Mondays.

Thats all!