Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Clan Rules & Story
Clan rules :
1. Dont spam.
2. No words shortering.
3. Don't insult other members.
4. If you want to post please use at least 10 letters in your post.
5. Wear [PhoeniX] tag ingame.
6. Dont write double/triple posts.
7. Listen clan leaders orders.
8. If you will sell your account please leave the clan before doing that.
9. Don't invade other clan boards without a point.
10. Old members who leaved can't join again, except with a votation thread.
11. If you have more than 6 clan infractions you will be kicked.
Last edited by Gugu; Nov 30, 2009 at 03:31 AM.
Clan Story:

The Ancient Phoenix, born to rule everything, born to keep the peace on earth, existing to hold the balance between nature and spirit up.
The best imaginable world, once existed in Toribashier. Yet a few years ago the Phoenix died and the time of phoenix ended with this tragity.
Immediatly the whole world broke up and started fighting. The World war I and II, arent forgotten until today. There was a lot of killing and slaughter....

While thinking about all this, all the wars, the killing, the millions of deaths, Zygriuxxx the Priest of fire started meditating. but in this trance there was something new. A new world. It was different to the other 7 spiritual Worlds. The 8th world was filled with birds, peace and fire. This fire had something about it,
what Zygriuxxx wasnt used to of fire. It didnt exist of the normal destroieng aura. It had a sence of glory about it. It didnt look brutal. It spreaded warmth and light and seemed to keep all the animals there alive. Then Zygriuxxx noticed, it after all was no normal fire. The fire was the Ancient Phoenix. The Phoenix flew up from the ground and spread his wings. All the other birds immediatly flew sideways out of the way of the Phoenix. The gloriouse creature opened its becon and spoke: "Zygriuxxx... as i left the world you live in... i didnt realise, that it would break up that easy. I thought i had tought you, that peace is the greates gift god ever gave to us. Now i live in this World and canīt return anymore. Please take this task with you if you go back. Spread peace and my message. Tell the newly born of my existance and remind the old ones, to keep peace and think about the good old times.". Suddenly Zygriuxxx was lifted out of his state. He stopped meditating, stood up and said to himself:"Heīs right, I'll find a clan in his name and help the world to become a peaceful place and exist in harmony".
(Created by wop)

Last edited by Kristis133; Jun 20, 2009 at 12:52 PM.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.