Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
dear family
to start with this it's my duty as a friend to make this thread about the most recent let down you all know.

i'm not surprised or shocked, and i'm truly disappointed. all this mess started because people, including me, started to get inactive or busy - whatever the reason was. personally, even with my inactivity or business, i never ceased to talk in skype or post sometimes in the board, or even get on irc, because i can't simply let go like that. i'm not a fugitive nor a spy.

moving on, all of this could be prevented if people didn't get so wibbly or annoying according to other people. let's make a summary and stop being mysterious and secretive:

zeto left toribash
internet left because kitten, hucota and meap got inactive/busy
kitten got inactive/busy because the skype chat was "wibbly as fuck"
hucota got inactive/busy because of "lack of interest and what has become of it" (the clan)
meap got inactive/busy because of ? - all i know is "last activity: 4 weeks ago"

i don't care if you wanted to keep secrets, but if you're actually part of a virtual family, even if it's virtual, it's still a family, so you shouldn't keep secrets of those kinds. if you have any problems with the clan, just tell them to everyone, so everyone knows how to act after and change for the best.

going on with secrets and reasons of inactivity/business:

"wibbly as fuck" - personally, i'd rather see a skype chat full of notifications and not a clan board with every thread marked with new posts. although, nobody can keep up wibble topics if you aren't part of it, unless you're really bored and have nothing to do, so you just have fun with family in those random conversations. isn't gaming/chatting all about fun anyway?

"lack of interest" - that's more complicated than it might seem. it deals with personality and self-esteem. probably you didn't enjoy wibbly stuff, but everyone in family has a word about it. nothing is perfect, and there's nothing we can do about that, but to make it closer to perfection, you have to act towards it. although what made you lose the interest? that's a very vague excuse.

"what has become of it" - now that's more like it. other than becoming more wibbly, it's also becoming apart, meaning everyone is taking their road of life. i am taking my road of life too, but it doesn't mean i'm going to leave family behind. like i said, i might be inactive/busy, but i'm not dead. i post once or twice and check skype mostly daily. other than that, family started with a different aspect - we were all nice and vibrant, we used to talk a lot in skype. i remember when i came in skype and get 1000 notifications. i used to try to find important things i've missed out while i was sleeping, but now it's just not worth it. all you find now is randomness, randomness everywhere. even once i said "make it serious, then i'll check it" to dscigs about his replay. personally, i wouldn't bother checking replays, since i'm not decent at c&cing because i only comment them based on my tastes and not based on an overall view of it. i suggest you to post it in family's replay thread, or yours if you feel like it, or both if you feel awesome.

back to the 1000 notifications, by that time family was small. although we were close to everyone, until we got accepting people mostly just because. why is sprytryne in here? even though that's my major concern by now, i still feel that i couldn't share personal stuff with some people in this clan, simply because we're not close.

lastly, all this inactivity/business/lazyness is enhanced in just two details: the family tree picture and members' list. everytime a member came in or left, i updated the tree in the leaders' group and a leader edited the post. suddenly, god knows why, no leader updated the picture. god knows why.

i hope this "speech" was worth something.
Last edited by pal; Nov 13, 2013 at 07:01 PM.
Kitten was my best friend and I didn't even know why he left. We haven't been the family we claim to be recently. New leadership needs to happen and we need to get that sorted soon
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
If people lose interest that's their choice, after all this is just a game on the Internet. It doesn't have to get so serious, you have your fun pass time then leave before it completely takes over your life. I don't want to spend all my life on a gaming forum, it's just not my thang. But I enjoy it here and the age I'm at it's proving to be quite enjoyable. This shouldn't be so serious!

This clan was built from a few friends wanting to form a family, you did that successfully and it worked very well. Think of an average family, it starts off with the regular mother and father and their kids, eventually the mother and father get old and die, leaving their children to follow their footsteps and keep the family going strong. This clan will always be a family, the only difference is people don't die, get just lose interest. Which is very similar to people dying in a community.

Family, I love you all to pieces and I've been around since you weren't even a developed thread
/me wipes tear from eye
There is no reason to expect change or look down on any family member, just except times change and let it happen.

I don't even know if all that made sense, but either way there was some valid points in there...

Last edited by Kingsta; Nov 13, 2013 at 01:19 AM.

Anyways, I understand what kitten meant I can't really remember a real conversation that we had recently maybe it's just my memory but still.

woah kingsta feels are many
Originally Posted by pal View Post
even once i said "make it serious, then i'll check it" to dscigs about his replay.

I remember that, and I took that straight to the soul. I stopped posting random garbage, and more just stuff that's serious for your sake. I still showed the occasional replay in mp that was funny just because of how stupid it was or something, but not nearly as much as before. The names are still random though.
I'm still sad at the fact that everyone has become inactive/left. It's one of the reason why I've always appealed and loved you guys, you were all so unique and close. Hopefully maybe sometime in the future we can bring it all back together, but the only thing I know is that I'm not leaving. I've developed too strong of a bond to you guys and everything that you represent and are.
I've been far more inactive then I usually am, owing to life problems, but I'm still making the biggest effort I can to get on everyday, just because it makes me feel good to know that you guys are always there. Even if a lot of you guys are really inactive sometimes. I'm going to stay here until the end, you guys mean too much to me. Also, I've been meaning to be bugging you about that family tree again, I've just been too busy with everything else. I did bug you about it for like 2 weeks at the beginning, but it sort of slipped from my mind.
Like Pal, I don't know if this means anything, or if you'll even notice, but just putting this out there.
Originally Posted by Kingsta View Post
If people lose interest that's their choice, after all this is just a game on the Internet. It doesn't have to get so serious, you have your fun pass time then leave before it completely takes over your life. I don't want to spend all my life on a gaming forum, it's just not my thang. But I enjoy it here and the age I'm at it's proving to be quite enjoyable. This shouldn't be so serious!

This clan was built from a few friends wanting to form a family, you did that successfully and it worked very well. Think of an average family, it starts off with the regular mother and father and their kids, eventually the mother and father get old and die, leaving their children to follow their footsteps and keep the family going strong. This clan will always be a family, the only difference is people don't die, get just lose interest. Which is very similar to people dying in a community.

Family, I love you all to pieces and I've been around since you weren't even a developed thread
/me wipes tear from eye
There is no reason to expect change or look down on any family member, just except times change and let it happen.

I don't even know if all that made sense, but either way there was some valid points in there...

it made sense. but in my opinion, i believe that this situation could be avoided

Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
Also, I've been meaning to be bugging you about that family tree again, I've just been too busy with everything else. I did bug you about it for like 2 weeks at the beginning, but it sort of slipped from my mind.

yes, but even when you bugged me i had already uploaded the tree for the leaders, since i didn't have editing powers in the clan board
I'm sorry I let you guys down. You've all made valid points on the issue. It was disrespectful of me to try to just fade away without talking to any of you about it. I was becoming distanced, but even so I should have made the effort to fix it.
I don't know if I can come back, or if you want me back. I imagine you're all hurt that I bailed out without an explanation. I've long since lost interest in Toribash, but I lost sight of what this clan meant. It's about the members, not the game.
I hope there's no ill will, and even if I'm not a part of it, I want Family to continue on.
Originally Posted by Hucota7 View Post
I don't know if I can come back, or if you want me back.

you never left, you've always kept the tag. and that decision is up to you, as in, will you get interested in something/get active or not.
I left the decision up to you whether you wanted to keep or kick me.
Let me gather my thoughts, my mindset right now is less than ideal.