Original Post
The Gentlemens' (and polite ladies') Organization.
This is an organization for well-mannered people and those who feel the need for discipline. There are no requirements to join, asides from one of the following, depending on which situation you are in.

1. I am a gentleman (or a polite lady)
2. I really want to improve my manners.

In this organization, people who will not be accepted include the following;
  1. Furry haters
  2. Goon haters
  3. People who hate anyone.
Our rules are actually quite loose. We don't like to overuse curse words, but it's not going to cause death or serious injury. No racism, no mindless flaming on the forums (Tell them what you think without pulling out the lighter, please), and help new players out with their issues (this does not include giving them money, muting someone, kicking someone, or anything else whenever they beg without a good reason).

Our tag will be small, just a little g. Lowercase, please!

Member list:
TertyWerty (Banned for poop reasons)
Last edited by otherone; Aug 24, 2008 at 06:17 AM.
I'm going out with my KKK buddies to hang nigger furries today, then I'm gonna round up some sluts and fuck their nasty cunts until they bleed. Yiff yiff yiff ruin cunts. I hate fucking goons, and I hate furries, too.
Originally Posted by killerID1337 View Post
wait what? no goon haters? fuck.

I know right? That's what I said. I'm the most refined, hat tipping, tea drinking gentleman here, but being on good terms with a guy like this?

Originally Posted by Zeipher View Post
I'm going out with my KKK buddies to hang nigger furries today,

Not today friend, not today...
EDIT: He's probably a real racist too.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

i would be a hat tipper if people wore more hats. and then id be a hat re-tipper when they put them back on

but anyway. agreed.
btw, your sig is rawk.
I am a perfect gentleman.

Also, you're a bunch of stupid faggots, starting a politeness club is about the gayest thing any homo could possibly dream of. Queers.
i want tbux
Decoleman is a retarded faggot.