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[Gaming] All gaming talk goes here!
Here you can post new games that have come out, and discuss your view on them, or just post what you think about games other users have posted up.

Anyway, Here is the first game ~Caz :
And Iieee Helped ^w^ ~Hygen

I just noticed No More Heroes 2 came out and wondered if anyone is a fan of the game.

Its a great Hack-and-Slash'ish game for the Wii and has many "WTF?" moments like the Bondage-Baseball-Drink-Whore boss.

Anyone who has the first one, you have this to look forwards to.

[I put "Gaming" in the topic cause it seemed nice.]
[And I didn't see that little Icon O_O;;]
Last edited by Hygencide; Feb 27, 2010 at 10:24 PM. Reason: Realized...
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)
A kid at my school has this game. It looks okay, I don't have a Wii so I won't pick this up. I'm getting the new AvP game, Kicks ASS.

Originally Posted by DjFishcake View Post
is this like "wave your wii remotes and the guy slashes his swords"?

I'm... Not sure. First one you press A to slash. If the wii remote was aimed high, it hit high, if low, it hit low.

The death blows you swing the wii remote. ^_^

And the Grapples. PDT = num-chuck and wii-mote Both up.

Originally Posted by CazRules View Post
Does Anyone mind if I change the name to the gameing zone and all games can go in here?

Sure, why not.
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)