Original Post
Literally can't go into #support.
[15:54] == Usermode change: +iwx
[15:54] == #support Cannot join channel (+b)

It usually says what is above and will not let me in even after numerous tries. Not sure why this is, but if someone could explain the reasoning or possibly fix this for me, that would be great.
? I dont see how I could be banned from #Support. I only went there twice because I needed support in the past. Can you figure out the reason why I was banned? Because I surely dont know, I never did anything there aside from ask a few questions. I also got no warning about this and I wasnt even told I was banned until now, so I really got no idea.
Last edited by TomWanks; Sep 1, 2013 at 12:21 AM.
You go to ban appeals or pm the staff member who banned you.
Tinerr Moderated Message:
User warned for this post (misleading information)
Last edited by Tinerr; Sep 2, 2013 at 01:20 AM.
Originally Posted by jase123 View Post
You go to ban appeals or pm the staff member who banned you.


For the most part all #support bans are cleared about daily. All you can really do is wait 24 hours or however long it takes the ops to clear the ban list. Chances are something you said was deemed inappropriate and you got banned for it.

By the way you can check who banned you by typing /mode #support +b
Last edited by Muur; Sep 1, 2013 at 04:11 PM.