Original Post
No way am I rank 149... right? [SOLVED]
Right, so today I checked my shop page and according to my player info pic thing, I am currently ranked #149 in the toribash world.

This cannot be. I haven't played toribash for just over a year now, and even then I was nowhere near black belt status where I'd expect the people in the hundreds would be.
So, how did this happen? Is it a placeholder? Something to do with my inactivity?

Not that I want it changed or anything, I'm just interested.

also lol my win% sucks
Last edited by 4zb41; Jan 6, 2012 at 06:10 PM.
The on forum or on usercard rank doesn't mean anything, the reason you are such a good rank is because you are close to your next belt(blue belt), to check your actual rank go here and look under 'global rank'.

For example on my usercard I'm rank 103, but ingame I'm rank 1848 right now.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
When the new ranking system was implemented the old ranks were kept on your user card. It was harder to change ranks on the old system so that explains why there isn't a large change in rank over your time away. It will continue to say the rank on your user card although it doesn't represent your rank in the new system.

In order to be recorded on that you need to play a few games and then refer to the linked above.

According to the old system I am rank 61, but the new system says I am 1,700.
Your usercard rank is actually 749.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Originally Posted by Tengo View Post
Your usercard rank is actually 749.

Really? Because my user name is "4zb41". Compare the "1" in "4zb41" to the supposed "1" in 149.

EDIT: Ok, a quick check in paint shows minor differences. I suppose that is a 7. Damnable font.
That rank there is based off the old system which ranked you based on how much qi you have in your belt.

ie. You have the 749th most qi out of all green(?) belts.

I don't know if it gets updated anymore.