Original Post
[WIP] Zombiecagefight
So your a zombie, ukes in the cage. a touch from you results in his instant death.... get through the bars, and kill uke.

heres a pic:

i edited zombie.tbm, which was made by soop. credits to him. Also, this wasnt my idea, it was (dammit why do i keep forgetting).

i was going to splice this mod with a dagger mod for uke, but i forgot what it was. I remember that their were 2 daggers and one was help upright, and the other down. Could someone tell me what this mod is?

later editions will come with daggers, and mayby uke and tori switched around.
Attached Files
zombiecagfight.tbm (3.4 KB, 46 views)
- its been a while
Why arn't you sending me the mods before so i can make good pics? Like in our agreement!
Anyways, I am trying this out right now, it looks fun!