Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Phantom Stats
As most of you may or may not know I'm a huge rpg fan and being an rpg fan I'm in love with stats so without further ado here are the dossiers prepared. In no particular order. I work hard on these comments are welcome but spam will be penalized.

Explanation for the confused

Papasmurfa - Defender

A defender is much more than just a wall to hide behind, defenders are the very foundation upon which a team stands, although not the most glamorous of titles, they are necessary 100 percent of the time. Watching Papa play I see that he doesn't need to perform acrobatic feats during his matches, and rarely if ever strikes first more a always has a great sense of the field around him with no glaring weaknesses. Always reliable for a win during a war.

* Consistent
* Collected
* Well - based

Striking - B
Wrestling - A
Balance - B+
Consistency - A
Decision making - B


MocroGunz - Beserker

Quite contrary to belief a beserker is much more than some sword swinging lunatic with an anger management issues. The difference being that a berserk funnels his rage into conscious decisions making his resolve more deadly than his blood-lust ever could be. Not saying that MocroGunz is angry the whole time that he plays but that he excels at his offensive skill set. The fact that he can constantly push for position dq's while not endangering himself is dangerous all it's own.

* Relentless
* Fearless
* Adaptive

Striking - B+
Wrestling - A
Balance - B+
Consistency - A
Decision making - A


Texatz - Assassin

Everyone knows the assassin, the stealthy, quick and lethal shadows that silence those who oppose. Well the thing about assassins are if you can catch them you can beat them but if you can't then that's one less mouth to feed.This is what comes to mind when texatz fights he go's straight into positions like fights already played out and it's rare to see him on the defensive side of a bout, it's even more rare to see the winner be decided by points quick an efficient work seems to be the case.

* Swift
* Evasive
* Decisive

Striking - A
Wrestling - A
Balance - B
Consistency - B+
Decision making - C+


Irich - Mercenary

Mercenaries of course the soldiers for hire by some means but has anyone ever wondered why mercenaries?. Well simple mercenaries do it all plain as can be they tackle any job with adequate proficiency no matter what situation they're dropped in. Irich in fights is as the mercenary he shows to be savvy in all fields of combat to an equal level, with great efficiency. Not overpowering but also not faltering getting the job done one fight at a time.

* Well Balanced
* Efficient
* Adaptive

Striking - B
Wrestling - B
Balance - B
Consistency - B
Decision Making - B


AzureMage - Soldier ( Disappointed aren't you?)

Ah the soldier just another link in the chain with grater aspirations, although not very talented in combat the soldiers strength lies in their undying loyalty and want to improve themselves making their greatest weapon: willpower itself. Soldiers fighting ability relies upon simplicity block and strike, attack and defend to win the day. Myself in battle AI have no technique nor very much consistency the only thing I can draw upon is my experience so far, learning bit by bit fight by fight. By sticking to the basics one day I may become something greater I hope but I like being a soldier simple is what I do best.

* Basic
* Willing
* Sturdy

Striking - C
Wrestling - C
Balance - B+
Consistency - C
Decision Making - B


Yaksha - Thief

Thief, as quick as can be. Of course on this game everyone moves the same speed but a thief in particular does everything fast win or lose all or nothing. Which brings me to the man himself Yaksha all of yaksha's matches I've seen have been quick either in victory or defeat. Not to mention he's not afraid to '' go for it '' or show any cowardice in the least he wants the win and isn't taking any path other than a straight line. Not to mention all thief's are humorous Robin Hood and the like and Yaksha always provides a good laugh rather he's kicking ass or not.

* Decisive
* Fearless
* Humorous

Striking - A
Wrestling - C+
Balance - B
Consistency - C
Decision Making - B+


Megacash - Merchant
What more could you ask for? money, money and more money. Warlords are one of the greater aspects of any army or force, merchants provide the funds for battle without them would be no war. No weapons, no armor, no food the troops would be little more than civilians in organized fist fights. Merchants ultimately control everything through a vast web of connections, money and political favors insuring that the party in which they are affiliated will be well kept. The added bonus with our dear Mega though is that if he if decide to fight he's still a force to be reckoned with as if he never missed a step...especially if money is involved.

* Experienced
* Connections, Wealth
* Well-Versed

Striking - B+
Wrestling - B+
Balance - C
Consistency - A
Decision making B-



EmpireSlay - Bard

An ode to the bard, a bard is a unique unit on the battlefield for they a not fighters but music lovers. They wander about the battlefield playing tunes that inspire and rally the troops rarely ever getting their hands dirty but an important job non-the-less. Empy makes the bard because well he's everyone's favorite rapper of course who else should get the privilege than our very own rapping brony?. Any lobby with Empy in it is instantly enjoyable especially in tense war situations, nothing like a quick joke to turn those frowns upside down and heighten morale for the rest of us. Although he may not always be on the front lines once he shakes off the rust he'll give you a run for your tc.

* Playful
* Positive
* influential

Striking - C
Wrestling - B-
Balance - C+
Consistency B
Decision making B-



Pabblopic - Necromancer

Necromancer, everybody knows them. Practitioners of deep and ancient magic that summons dead souls to do their bidding...of course pabblo doesn't do these things but he does have a dark since of humor. Pablo gets Necromancer because not only is he one of the oldest members in the clan but also because he's a toribash player from back in the day as well. Quick to deliver swift judgement on newfags and olda's alike, not to mention give us all a more than interesting avatar to look at day to day, he may not be a front line fighter but he is a voice of experience in the clan and it seems we're his un-dead minions.

* Judgmental
* Genuine
* Experienced

Striking - ??
Wrestling - ??
Balance - ??
Consistency - ??
Decision making - ??



LumpySolo - Tactician

Oh the tactician, the strategist with ever helpful information to the rest of the unit, whether it be exploiting a weakness or noticing a strength to help improve upon. In which enters Lumpy our very own master keeper of forums and adviser always ready to do what's best for us whether it be gather evidence in a ban case or spurring activity with a new thread. Easily one of the most active posers on the thread his opinions sometimes offer key insight to tricky situations not to mention his weekly signature changes are a delight.

* Opinionated
* Resourceful
* Consistent

Striking - ??
Wrestling - ??
Balance - ??
Consistency - ??
Decision making - ??



TheLostCarrot - Myrmidon

Myrmidons, are a class of highly skilled candidates making every strike sure with seldom wasted movements, with some of the silkiest and smoothest movements ever seen in battle. And they are very aware of it as they tend to boast and constantly compare their skill with others. Lost is anything but shy in his approaches with both fighting and people, he always reaps havoc with fractures and 6 digits of damage rarely having a fight end on points. Not to mention he's not afraid to tell you exactly how much you suck but in a humorous way...most of the time.

* Proud
* Fierce
* Skilled

Striking - B+
Wrestling - A-
Consistency B
Balance - B
Decision making - B



Bjdjking - Adventurer

No I'm not talking about finn and jake, young warriors that charge into both battle and life with unfathomable vigor. Ever eager to prove themselves to their peers and mentors they are ever ready to serve for the cause for the sake of proving themselves and experience. Which enters Bj from stage right, the little brother of the clan soaking up experience. Although I've not seen Bj fight many times, those times are all the ones I've needed with a fighting style not branching far from the basics it's in this simplicity that brings victory.

* Basic
* Willing
* Loyal

Striking - C+
Wrestling - B
Balance - B
Consistency - C+
Decision making - C



Downstem - Samurai

Samurais honorable, disciplined, dutiful, and ever calm. Downstem both in and out of the game displays these traits thus he gets the title, in game he's performed feats I've never thought to be seen never losing his focus or his cool, and even more impressively often typing while he does so. Ever keen and aware of the battlefield when he's handed a loss it's never a landslide providing an ever difficult challenge to those who oppose. On the forums always happy and willing to help, laying it all down for the clan as a samurai pledged to his lord in the elder times also adding a better name to our cause.

* Calm
* Focused
* Dutiful


Striking - B+
Wrestling - B
Balance - A
Consistency - B+
Decision making - B
Last edited by AzureMage; Dec 14, 2012 at 06:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Well this is how I view the clan based on the fights I've seen the stats are ranged from F to A depending on the skill level of that certain person for each attribute. I.E

Striking - How well one performs when attempting to strike the opponent without grabbing

Wrestling - How well one performs in mods such as aikido, or just staying from being dq'd and dq'ing your opponent

Balance - How well one can stay aloft by themselves or when in a tricky situation to save themselves.

Consistency - How well one performs at a constant level of excellence such as streaks

Decision making - How effectively one chooses which joints to move, when to strike and defend to avoid putting themselves in a costly situation

The classes I.E Beserker, Defender are just video game references often used in conjunction with the personalities and stats distributed, the whole '' a picture says a thousand words thing '' basically.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Hehe awesomesauce, but I'm like a Kyuremu, if anything >: 3

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Texatz - Assasin


Striking - A
Wrestling - A
Balance - B
Consistency - B+
Decision making - C

why is my "Decision making" C ? DDDD:
jirado no viraya
What about me? D:
how long did it take you to do this? o.o looks like it took you a long time.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz