Original Post


We are not below we are the way.

~Clan Story~

Oda, was a clan made to bring order. A strick clan that accepted very little. They were very strong all of them, all was in fear of them of there power. Oda was created out of rage, the man who created oda was tired of the people going crazy and doing what they wanted. He created the force to bring peace to the land. When it was created not only did the enemies fear them, but the people aswell. They were afraid of there power and what they could do. One day someone chanllenged the Oda clan to a duel, the leader accpeted the duel. Whoever lose will have t leave and never come back. Whoever win's shall have total control of the villiage. The leader would not let the evil one's have the villiage. So he accpeted the duel. Oda had lost many men and the leader lost aswell, they had the villiage under control. The leader name was "Vultron" He swore vengence and made a vow that he would reclaim the villiage and all the people in it.......8 Years later....Vultron had became stronger than ever and had more powerful members of the clan. He sent a note to the leader, the note said "I wish to chanllenge you and your forces to claim the villiage, if you win you can have 50 grand of gold. If I win I get the village. The leader accepted this chanllenge without hesitatioin. They went to the battle field at noon. The leader did now know it was Vultron, if he would have known it was Vultron he would have never took the deal. He saw that it was Vultron more powerful than ever. Vultron screamed "Do you remember me?!!" In fear and in shock the leader could not move. Vultron came at him with lighting speed and sliced him down, his members shared the same fate as him. Now the villiage was there's again and they was in order.

~Oda rules~

Be respectful.

Help out the clan.

Do not double or triple clan.

Be loyal.

Do not rage or disrepsct in servers.

Do not take money out the bank! (That includes me) Unless it is hosting events
Or to apply for offical That is it!

Have fun.

~Oda Goals~

Have a clan war [ ]

Win a clan war [ ]

Have allies [x]

Become offical [ ]

Host events [ ]

To be respected [ ]

To be the best [ ]

Have 7 members [ ]

Be a good clan [ ]

~Oda Allies~




~Oda Enemies~


~Oda members~





Co leader












~Oda Theme Song~

~Worthy enough to join Oda?~

Fill out this app.


Previous clans:

Why do you want to join?:

What can you contribute to this clan?:

What do you know about the community?:

Show us your Art & replays if you have some:

The mods you are good at:

Did someone invite you?:

Do you know about IRC?:

Any infractions or bans?:

[3] Replays.

Note: We accept any belt as long as you are experienced and skilled.

Have go grammar and nothing like "I really want to join tis clan cuz its cool " You will not get in.

~Donations shall be respected~


Last edited by vultron; Sep 2, 2011 at 04:59 PM.
Belt: Brown

Previous clans: [Bad] wich died

Why do you want to join?: Its fun to be in a clan! good chance to prove yourself, and I was looking for a clan.

What can you contribute to this clan?: I can make textures (somewhat) but more abstract textures. I love to play ingame and browse the forum (im on everyday).

What do you know about the community?: Not sure how to answer this very well but the people are great and are always helpful.

Show us your Art & replays if you have some: Will do when I get home. On vacation right now

The mods you are good at: Any sparring im decent in aikido, know a few moves for judo, and I recently started playing Ninjutsu and Wushu

Did someone invite you?: Vultron

Do you know about IRC?: Yes, but I hardly go on. I can go on anytime usually if needed to.

Any infractions or bans?: None
Right, I will get unoffical tori clan soon. I am selling textures so it shouldn't be long. Now....hmmm who shall be the bank....Wekmar do you have another account that is yellow belt?
Account trading is illegal now. We could get banned, OK so you're the bank now wekmar, I am sending the tc to you now.