Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[AS] Recruitment

Hello and welcome to the [AS] All Stars Recruitment Thread.

You want to join the clan? You are welcome to do so!
All you need to do is apply below using a Free-Form Application, you can include whatever you feel like necessary. The only 2 required stuff you need to include are Country and GMT.

After you have applied, we the "All Stars" clan will discuss it and in a couple of days wait for a final result from us. We will Moderate your message with either [Accepted, Denied or further in discussion]

Absolute Requirement !:
+ Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/AhMHtknjgj
+ Have your Discord name in the AS Server to be the same as your in-game name

If you are not in our Discord Server, you have 0% chance of joining [AS] All Stars!

Some tips for being accepted:
- Be Creative
- Be Unique
- Try to impress us
- Meet us in-game

Belt restriction:
+ None for now

App Example:

"If you really want to get into AS please put "[AS]All Stars" at the end or somewhere in your app so we know you read the op"
Last edited by Trestet; Feb 13, 2023 at 01:35 PM.
Hi!I'm Oshun!I want to be a part of this clan because it was made recently and it looks pretty dang sexy asf(cuz Trestet and Zwar are in it c;).
I'm from Trinidad and Tobago.
My GMT is AST(Alantic Standard Time).
I'm 14.
I like playing the mods:boxshu,abd and many other random mods c;.
I'm active on game more than forum but I hope it isn't a problem.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Chax; Dec 13, 2020 at 04:31 AM.
It's me, I'm him.
Introducing myself

Hello guys!!!
Its me Heaviel known as Aizehn too.
Im 16 years old.
Im from Senegal (GMT +3/4)

My Tb story

I started tb on the 11/11/2016 because one of my friends (BlackZer) showed me this game now im in love with it but unfortunaly BlackZer dont play tb anymore.I'm inspired by a lot of players (Tbash, Felnin, AxelsXD etc...) Im good at ABD but i suck sometimes at dueling. I can play rk, lenshu , tk... WAIIIT? Why am i an alt just because i dont like my name : Aizehn so i make alts


I want to join this clan because i wanted since Tres annonced he was gonna create a clan, it looks like a great clan with active people and cool players.
The tag is nice too!

This is the end bam bam bam baaaaaaaaaaam!

Council Moderated Message:
UMM this guy is still In-Discussion
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:34 PM.
Heyo, wassgud to my bro's This Vernaux here applying to join All Start as you know about me I'm 16 years old And I'm a MALE! Anyone I been playing toribash for many years now I have joined a lot of clans My recent clan I was in was Sk8r they changed vibe to Sk8r I don't know why but anyway I have been in that clan for about a year now I been having fun warring but it was not really funny I was like mostly solo all my wars no one would join me if I post a message on discord asking anyone to join no one would reply, So I left the clan like 2 days ago And went to look for a different clan and I have found one that is perfect I also have two of my best friends Here DomDoDm60 and Zwar I have known Dom for many years I had no idea he was in this clan I would like to rest my wings in your arms for as long as this clan Is active I have stayed in vibe I think 2 years I think I don't remember but whatever All I know I was in that clan for a long time I'm really good with ADB I like lifting a lot And liking playing lenshu I think its really fun and it puts my brain to the max to try to do my best in playing toribash, When I'm not playing toribash I would play Csgo Sometimes just to get a little break then I would go outside my house with my basketball to practice a little when I'm done I come back inside then do 40 Pushups to warm my self up before I go to bed I do 20 close pushups then 20 wide pushups its getting easy to do 40 pushups maybe more If I try hard, Well anyone I like warring a lot on toribash its really fun just to go against a different clan to see who is best and who will win I would say my best mods are ADB,Lenshu, well idk maybe I can do every mod if I put my mind to it My favorite food would be rice and chicken I'm always online everyday so it will be easy to contact me if you add me on discord or skype but I like using discord more so yea heres my application I hope I did my best I would say you better Invite me :3

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:31 PM.
God dammit
Hello everybody from All stars welcome to my application for you're clan . A little about me. I am a 15 year old male from a little state of Vermont in the U.S. That makes my timezone est. I guess something personal about me is a have dwarfism. i can give a little explanation on that. Dwarfism is a condition were your legs and arms grow at a smaller pace and it obviously affects my stature and my body. If you want a better explanation, feel free to PM me or whisper me . Ok back to toribash. The mods i think im best at are wushu/boxshu and aikido. although i prefer wushu/boxshu. Why i want to join your clan? well first i think Trestet is bae <3 and i love the clan in general. i love how Trestet runs the clan. Strict but free.

Thank you for looking at my application and i hope to see you all soon

p.s Veoo sucks <3

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:30 PM.
Hello, my name is Mitch or reality and I'm a male and I'm from the United Kingdom or Britain and my GMT is -0. I have been playing Toribash since September 2014 and have played ABD for most of that time but I am also good in other things such as Sparring, Parkouring and I'd say I'm ok in Tricking...

I have discord and I can be very active every day and um I guess since Vernaux told you his/her favourite food I'll tell you mine, It's pizza and also chicken, I also play other games like CSGO so if you wanna like play comp I can do that.

I'm only a cunt if people make me mad other than that I'd say I'm pretty chilled out. Aubrey also tells me I'm chill. However, I can't call myself good because I wouldn't know what you call good.

P.S: I like toribash
P.P.S: I want to join
P.P.P.S: This was the last one

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:30 PM.
Name: 0901
Belt: 2nd Dan
Age: 18
Country: USA
GMT: -7
Prior Clans: (Polar) & [Origin]

Hi there, I saw your recruitment server on TB and decided to check it out. To my surprise, it seems like the perfect clan for me. Ever since Origin died I've been looking for a group of players that will be able to help me improve as a fighter, shake off the rust and redeem my old brutal playstyle and I believe that will be possible using the resources of this community of players.

In Toribash I enjoy playing Judo (since it's very nostalgic for me being my first mod I was actually good at), Mushu, Wushu, Boxshu, and occasionally ABD. At the moment I've been free running lots trying to improve myself at parkour in hopes of having better control in all mods.

In the case that my tryouts don't go well I also have a few skills that could possibly benefit the clan if needed:

- I'm an artist. I'm actually a graphics administrator on a game called Graal Classic for ios, there I mostly do 32bit pixel art. I'm also a graphic designer, granted I haven't done it for a while since it doesn't pay consistently.

- I'm good with video editing software like Adobe Premiere. Maybe I could put together a clan montage video for you ;).

As for me as a person, I'm rather chill. I don't talk much, so I won't get on anyone's nerves (I promise). I have a personality that is set on individual improvement and strive to do well at whatever I do for the most part. I hope that you will consider me. Thanks.

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:29 PM.
Hello everyone! i am Diety/NiceJesus! my GMT is -4. I have played toribash since 2014 on this account and about a year before this account on 2 accounts that i played on before i got a new PC. (those are both lost accounts because i was too noobish and young to remember a decent password). I turned 18 a little under 4 months ago. I am a senior in high school #PantherPride. I play atleast 20 hours a week during the summers that rises to at least 30 hours a week. I enjoy some card games like yu gi yoh and magic the gathering as well as playing on my ps4 and watching movies when i can. during the summer i work mornings and middays as a lifeguard (i usually play toribash all afternoons). i check forums daily reguardless of me being in game or not that day. Other games i play include War Thunder and some Civilization games. I am skilled in any aikido mod, lenshu mod, judo mod, and mushu mod. (though i mostly play abd). I would love to be a member of this new clan and put a great contribution in any way to this clan's growth in skill and communtiy outlook. I have good hope that you will review my app and consider me for entering this clan.

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:32 PM.
oh is this where i put my signature?
Belt:2nd dan
Previous ClansAot_FT)(Lost)(Skyline)

Hello My name is Ezio but you can call me Ez if you want.
I love to Replay make and i'm a Animator.
I'm a bit of an Art maker but extremely new to it.
Trestet is a very cool/chill person to me so when i saw he made a clan i jumped at the chance.
I'm very Active and Love to clan Activities.
I've had a total of two accounts now.
I've been playing since 2010.
My Favorite mods are Mushu/ABD/Aikido/KickBoxing and Boxshu.
This clan seems like a Perfect mix for me and i hope to join this Amazing clan.

From, Ezio

Fun Fact: I've met Oracle back when when Pendulum was still a thing

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:27 PM.
The Assassin
Hello my name is philip i am a 16 year old and i live in Athens Greece (gmt +2) i play the guitar i like freehand drawing and gaming. I also enjoy going to the gym and reading books (actually depends). As for toribash this is my main account and having nearly 2000 hours in this game i think makes me rather expirienced. I like sparing and parkouring (although i am not that good at it) my favurite competitive mods are abd and tk. The main reason i why i want to join this clan is because i see some true potential in it and know alot of people. Finaly i had had lots of previous clans before like athens destiny apok and enforce. I like to keep my apps short sweet and simple so that is it

Council Moderated Message:
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 13, 2018 at 11:33 PM.
i am awesome dont question it just deal with it