Original Post
Similar Clan Tags.
Ok, well yesterday evening I was encountered by a clan member asking me if we had changed our tags.
I told him that I didn't change them.
Then he asked me who this [EpicWin] clan was.
I went into to confront them about it.
I had told them to go look at the rules and luckily for myself there wasn't in thing there that said anything about similar tags.
It's like for instance, [EpicTorigodRAWR].
Who wouldn't mention something about that?
It's just like my clan tag but with something like LDR or CMDR.
Instead they decide to put Win.
Let's just go ahead and say that they are a bunch of orange belts.
They are fairly cocky.
I called in LightningKid yesterday to address the problem.
He said there was nothing he could do.
So, this morning when I wake up, get ready for school, and then hop on my cpu to be tackled by 14 messages asking if we had changed our tags.
It's completely annoying as I can say with proof that my clan has had it's name before it.
But, if they aren't willing to change their tags, maybe I have an idea for another name.
please get your facts straight
1. most of our members are blue and brown belts, no one is let in unless seen skilled enough by me or dragon6470
2. you never gave any proof that your clan has been around longer than [EpicWin], i have never even heard of you untell yesterday

and how is it lucky for you if there wasn't anything agenst(sp?) similar tags?
oh snap!
like no one on the forums knows you, and VX has probably lived longer than you, been in toribash in game and in the forums more that you...
take the tag off. Epic is a much more organized clan than you ragtags.
Trying not to be mean...
Last edited by ccliu; May 1, 2008 at 06:43 AM.
Originally Posted by ccliu View Post
oh snap!
like no one on the forums knows you, and VX has probably lived longer than you, been in toribash in game and in the forums more that you...
take the tag off. Epic is a much more organized clan than you ragtags.
Trying not to be mean...

i am not very active on the forums, but epicwin is more a group of some of my irl friends and some of my online friends, we only have about 10 members in all, and i would of of already changed the name if it wasn't for the fact that volcano was being a complete jackass to me and my members about it.
BTW theflame, whoever you are, [Epic] has been around since v2.00 or around there because it was a clan started by Saintowar and me.

Volcanox asked me if he could use the tag [Epic] and thats how it was started, so basically its just an awakening of the [Epic] that was made a long time ago but now more organised.

so if volcanoX doesnt like it, he has full rights to having the name [Epic] so if he doesnt want you to have a similar tag, I strongly recommend you remove it because [epicwin] is an epic fail

so please take this to note k, no rudeness intended just being honest