Original Post
Hot Potato
Credits go to Suomynona And Noweb for creating the original scripts

Your right hand can explode on any frame, or it could not explode at all.

Also you can press Q if you get tired of waiting for it to explode.

How it works:
It gets the Match frames and divides them by the turnframes.. lets call it X.
It then creates a random number from 1 to X.
Everyframe you enter also has a random number from 1 to X. If the random numbers match, your hand explodes.

It is match frames / turnframes to make it more probable for the hand to explode.

Thanks for Uncopyrightable for suggesting it.
Last edited by Blam; Mar 29, 2008 at 11:27 AM.
I need to learn how to back to mods.

Actually.....I just looked at your maths and explains a lot:
Sometimes the grenade doesn't go off, and sometimes it goes off more then once - a better formula perhaps? It's good right now though.
Last edited by uncopyrightable; Jan 4, 2008 at 09:19 PM.
Originally Posted by uncopyrightable View Post
I need to learn how to back to mods.

Actually.....I just looked at your maths and explains a lot:
Sometimes the grenade doesn't go off, and sometimes it goes off more then once - a better formula perhaps? It's good right now though.

I could make it go off not more then once, or you could :P. Lua is not hard just look at some scripts and the stickies to work it out.
I was playing around with this and thought what if Tori was behind a wall or somthing and you could just throw it at Uke.
Idk if this is already thought of and made I'm to lazy to look for it