Original Post
[A] Robotic Set By Ezeth
Hey guys,

I'm auctioning off this set made by Ezeth.

Banner made by JinxZ.
Starting Bid: 10k
Min Raise: 5k
Auto Buy: 150k

Current highest bidder: nanovor - 30k

If auto bought, the person will recive a full Neptune pack.

Toricredits only please.

This auction ends 48 hours after the last bid. Or on the 18th.

Note: Ground and flame textures not included.
Last edited by DecapW; Aug 16, 2009 at 02:26 AM.
Originally Posted by JinxZ View Post
Erm.... dude you copied the Code Wrong. Front isn't linked.

Oops, I'll re do it. Thanks for telling me JinxZ.