Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[HoLy] - Thread Dictionary

Thread Dictionary

This is served as a guide for members/players to see each thread and their functions.

[HoLy] - Need-to-Know Info
The thread you are currently reading
New members are immediately redirected to this thread
Contains the Rules, Positions Breakdown, & the Threads (sticky)
Divided unto four straight posts for easier reading
Closed, meaning you cannot post in it
[HoLy] - Application Thread
Recruits are immediately redirected here to post an App form to be recognized by the HoLy
Members make votes for recruits using "Yes" as approvement and "No" as disapprovement
Majority of approvement will welcome the recruit and vice versa.
Shows basic information about HoLy's members (Name & Position)
[HoLy] - Member List
Unlike the Application Thread's basic member list, this shows full info about HoLy's members
It shows the activity, position, Greenwitch Mean Time (GMT), and the usercard of each member
Updated by a moderator every time a new member joins HoLy
Closed, meaning you cannot post in it
[HoLy] - Replays
It is wherein clan members post their replays to be judged
Constructive Criticism (or CnC) and rating are the only allowed kinds of criticsm
The first post will be updated every time a member posts a new replay
[HoLy] - General Discussions
A thread of serious matter
Members discuss pertaining events involving the clan
Made known throughout HoLy by TheUsurper through the name "The Face of the Clan"
[HoLy] - Art
A thread wherein our clan members showcase their art to be judged and to be given suggestions
There are specific kinds of art that a clan member cannot post. See the thread itself to look at them
As like the Replays thread, CnC and rating are the only allowed kinds of criticsm
Weekly Activity Check Threads
A thread wherein our clan members, in order to show activity, must post
If a member does not comply after two weekly activity checks, he/she shall be marked "inactive" in the member list
The name format is: (M/DD/YY) - Weekly Activity Check
[HoLy] - Chat Thread
The new-born thread (as of 06/19/10) wherein members may post whatever they think, while still applying the rules
Its purpose is to let members and other allied clans share what they are thinking by now
Unlike the General Discussions, however, flaming is absolute non-tolerance and will be dealt with accordingly.
Last edited by AiroBlinn; Jul 2, 2010 at 06:10 PM.
GMT +8:00