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Evolution or Creationism
which is your personal belief do you belive in evolution or do you believe in creationism then state your arguments for whichever side you pick
ima crusin for a bruisn
Off topic:This just has bad news written all over it
On Topic: i believe in evolutionism because i just cannot believe in creationism, my moms catholic and my dads jewish and they both taught me their is a god but i just cannot accept that someone just willingly made the entire universe and is all knowing. I have no facts to prove evolutionism (too lazy to get them rite now) but i do believe in it just because of scientific studies. Also i dont want anyone posting why i dont believe in god or trying to get me to, this is about creationism and evolutionism.
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I also believe in evolution. But I do happen to have all the facts to back it up. Evolution is around us every day, you just need to notice it and think about it. For example, us humans do a lot of typing on keyboards these days and maybe one day someone will be born with 6 fingers instead of five. With these 6 fingers this person could type a lot faster and get work done a lot faster. Thus creating a good evolution. So this evolution had been written into this person DNA and it is passed on when this person has a child. And it may or may not show up in this child. If the 6 fingers dies out, then it was useless and not needed for survival to us. But if it is needed for survival, then it will obviously carry on and throughout millions of years all of us humans would eventually get 6 fingers because it is useful for survival. Remember this is just an example, I'm not saying that in millions of years humans will have 6 fingers. In fact I believe that our brains are so strong that we will no longer evolve. No we haven't reached "perfection". It's just that we are the only animal to ever be able to control our environment and make medicine to control sicknesses and other such things like this. So it's my belief that humans will no longer evolve because we don't need to. We no longer struggle on a daily basses for survival. Like josh said, I just can't believe in an all knowing all seeing being that created the universe just for us meek humans. We are so evil and devious that it would be impossible for any of us to make it into a heaven in any religion by the outlines they set.
Devils advocate
but the odds of a creature having the exact correct thing needed to best adept is so incontestably small that it must have a something to guide it also the fossils records are incomplete so there is no complete evidence to support evolution.
ima crusin for a bruisn
Don't torment yourself with religious lies. Okay, I don't agree with the incompletion of the fossil records but, lets say they are incomplete. Lets say maybe they are missing a species or two down the line. Okay what does this matter? There are still plenty of other fossil records of species that are complete that show and prove their evolution through millions/billions of years. So what if some are missing? It's been millions/billions of years since that species walked the earth, it's totally conceivable to be missing a few. And like I said, we definitely are not a "perfect" species. We just happen to be extremely smart and have used our brains to put ourselves up highest on the food chain. Also I didn't mean that we won't ever die out. We easily could. We have the most disease and infection out any other species. This makes for a quick death. But once again we have used our brains to fix and cure most of these diseases. I mean think about it, have you ever head of a species that throughout an about 20 year span lost almost a fourth if not more of its population (bubonic plague that swept Asia and Europe in 1340's-1360's) from disease? (yeah species have died out quicker but from human intervention like over hunting or destruction of its environment)

Lol sorry totally went on a rant twice.