Original Post
help me out
i am art maker beginner.
recently i use gimp but i can`t make anything cool with it.
so guys can you say what program you use to create heads,sets etc.
EDIT:also i have,but i don`t even know how to change colors
Last edited by Darkness; Jun 11, 2011 at 06:16 PM.
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo
Adobe photoshop cs5 is the one I use, I find it easier to make shadows, etc.

You can pretty much do the same with gimp though
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Originally Posted by Diablo View Post
but thats the best i can do.

That is why your not improving you need to experiment one of the greatest art makers doxxy uses gimp.
Don't buy a fancy program if you can't use it. Just practice with Gimp until you get better. When you can do decent with Gimp, then maybe buy PS. If you don't know how to play keyboard, you shouldn't buy an expensive grand piano.
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