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Your definition of a "good" username
I just wanted to hear the community's opinion on what they think constitutes a "good username" and a "bad one", or if they think that there is no good or bad when it comes to usernames.
It's based upon someone's decision, but, also upon how common the name/word is and the sound of it. Say you have the username cold(yes, him) it's a common word and isnt that isn't likeable or dislikeable in what the word means, it sounds nice and is one word. Then take say, complexity(yeah,you) not a very common word, kinda hard to get a okayish shortnick (comp sounds stupid), but the word still sounds okay. Personally I like 1worded/names without any numbers in them. Uniqueness makes a better username.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
I have this problem with these names, I really like names like Orko,Jisse,Xioi,Zero,Numbers,Alpha and many more. I dont like nor dislike names like Ago2828[*]. I need some hlp with my name doe, and will make a thread about it, do you think I should get a namechange ? I mean, my name is fine. But it hasnt got a meaning, like Infinity,Complexity or Water.
bec use in t rnet
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Your decision. I know what you mean, fastmove is what it ways on the tin, no more, no less, it's definition is just fast move, nothing else. This is okay for names like mine or ed etc, because a name doesn't need a definition, it needs a personality.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by Skylarrr View Post
It's based upon someone's decision, but, also upon how common the name/word is and the sound of it. Say you have the username cold(yes, him) it's a common word and isnt that isn't likeable or dislikeable in what the word means, it sounds nice and is one word. Then take say, complexity(yeah,you) not a very common word, kinda hard to get a okayish shortnick (comp sounds stupid), but the word still sounds okay. Personally I like 1worded/names without any numbers in them. Uniqueness makes a better username.

Most people either call me complex or dup, but what you're saying seems incredibly intelligent.

I prefer no retarded capitalization and numbers, but I've seen good names with numbers before.
Short and memorable names are fun.

Most of the time this means names with only one part ( /sob ) and without any numbers or anything in them. Unless you're Numbers.
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Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
Short and memorable names are fun.

Most of the time this means names with only one part ( /sob ) and without any numbers or anything in them. Unless you're Numbers.

Short, easy to understand names make me happiest. One thing I really dislike is when there are needless letters or numbers that have no point in your name.

If your name is Ninja4781 or something, I'm going to make fun of you for losing out on your name to 4780 other ninjas.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by pusga View Post

That sir, is a hardcore barbecue in my opinion and it's an excellent name.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!