Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Guys im leaving KiLa this is the reason
My best friend ColdShift is joinning a differnt clan and I want to be in the same clan as him.

Bye guys.

Hope this clan does well.
it was nice to have you here
where is ColdShift now?
I'm not sure if he's trolling or just very stupid >_>
I don't think this is needed.
It would be a clear case of clan-jumping imo, and this is forbidden in our rules
I'm not sure if he's trolling or just very stupid >_>
I knew that you will leave for a stupid reason soon
just waited for this thread
Proud leader of KiLa, an official clan.
R.I.P. Boris
don't say that!
it is his own responsibility, when he wants to leave
and I really don't think his reason is "stupid"
I'm not sure if he's trolling or just very stupid >_>