Original Post
Favorite Band?
Whats your favorite band? As for me maybe Alice in Chains or Nirvana, I really just listen to whatever my brother buys.
This guy was once a GameMaster
sponge cola , parokya ni edgar , linkin park ,kamikaze
most of ehm are pilipino bands lol
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

You like many bands that I haven't heard of.

Keep making me look them up...
This guy was once a GameMaster
Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
You like many bands that I haven't heard of.

Keep making me look them up...

You should look up Nine Inch Nails, Puscifer, The Pixies annnnnnd Interpol. :3
Originally Posted by maxfire1 View Post
nine inch nails is sick , awsome but a little to hard core for meh , lol

The Pixies and Interpol are a lot less crazy. Well, heavy-wise. The Pixies are probably the most insane.
Where is my mind is a really cool song by The Pixies. I will look up some more stuff later, but I really like that song.
This guy was once a GameMaster