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My Death Clan Story.
At some period of time, aeons ago, the planet was perfect. There were no blemishes on the face of the Earth. Little did the occupants of this planet know that things were about to change..

After some period of time a fissure in the ground opened, spewing death liquid into the air, raining down and destroying and killing whichever thing it touched. A cloaked figure wearing a sinister grin emerged from the crack, an intricately carved handled scythe with a jagged, very sharp blade in his skeletal hands, swiftly darting over the lands and reigning death.

After another period of time a great rift appeared in the sky, pouring a pitchblack fluid over the landscape, the death fluid. inducing death and destruction. A levitating eskimo wrapped in a fluffy coat and holding a scythe with an oak handle and a finely sharpened blade appeared from the rift, jolting over the lands and bringing more death.

Later on, a ripping and threading tendril shot out from another sky rift, emerging more death liquid and a tendriled man with bloodred eyes, he too darted out of the gate of the abyss and reigned death upon the lands.

The people were pleagued with sicknesses and disease, dying at ages as low as 40. These three legendary men were known as the Sentinels of Death from thereforth on, their legendary voyage of doom echoed through the ages.

Some say these three have formed a group known as Death itself, giving each member who joins a fraction of their immense powers.