Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[ORMO] events
ok, does anybody have any idea for future ORMO events? I would like to host two-three events more when UkeLove is finished. nothing huge, just small 2-3 week comps like this one (if this one works out, of course!). I think I will be able to provide similar prize pool (~20k- 10k in cash and ~10k in items I think), and mb GMs will help us again

so, if anybody gets good event idea and won't be interested in hosting it- please post it here! I will try to finish next prop till UkeLove deadline. It would be posted week after UkeLove end.
I had a idea yesterday and talked briefly to ManlyPotato about it.

It's basically for a series that could work somewhat like the opener challenges.

You provide the players with one replay. One really shitty replay in terms of execution, but one that has a somewhat nice structure of moves behind it.
Then the players have to replicate the structure of the replay, but making something that is actually good, or at least better.
Thought about naming the series "You Can Do Better".

Inspired by all those times when you open Toribash, whip something in 2 minutes that makes you think "Shit, this could actually be a nice replay if I spent more than 2 minutes on it".
I'll attach the replay that gave me that feeling yesterday and prompted the idea because why not.
Attached Files
You Can do Better1.rpl (143.7 KB, 25 views)
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Yeah, sort of that.
It's basically a "remake this from scratch, making it cool while somewhat close to the original"
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Originally Posted by Thrandir View Post
I think I will be able to provide similar prize pool (~20k- 10k in cash and ~10k in items I think), and mb GMs will help us again

We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Didn't even realize they had a sponsoring thing going on.
Then again, I don't tend to check the event board often since nothing really works for me

Are they going to constantly be providing for every event we hold(If it's going to be continuous, like its counter part The opener challenge)?
Most likely not every event we hold will be a continuous series like the opener challenge.
The one I posted was just an idea since Thrandir was asking for brainstorming.

As for the funding of continuous events, I have no idea, but if they continuously amass significant participation it'll probably be to the GM's interest to keep it going.

As for the funding of the rest of the events that might come from this brainstorming - as long as they meet the criteria stated on the thread I linked I doubt there will be a lack of help by the GMs.
It makes their job easier and more effective if they have the community's involvement.

If the GMs don't back us we can find a solution between ourselves (should the idea be really good and the GMs somehow disregard it), or we can come up with different ideas that they do support.

Most of us don't have the TC to host tons of events, but together (and that means finding NutHug in a good mood or drunk) we have a MagicalSack of our own.
Last edited by Oblivion; May 21, 2014 at 07:57 PM.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
I had a idea yesterday and talked briefly to ManlyPotato about it.

It's basically for a series that could work somewhat like the opener challenges.

You provide the players with one replay. One really shitty replay in terms of execution, but one that has a somewhat nice structure of moves behind it.

Then the players have to replicate the structure of the replay, but making something that is actually good, or at least better.

Thought about naming the series "You Can Do Better".

Inspired by all those times when you open Toribash, whip something in 2 minutes that makes you think "Shit, this could actually be a nice replay if I spent more than 2 minutes on it".

I'll attach the replay that gave me that feeling yesterday and prompted the idea because why not.


I should make the replays ;o
ok guys, coming back to the topic (yeah I've been reading it all, don't feel anyhow forgotten- exams n stuff here)- UkeLove was not too succesful. there are many reasons (hard and not obvious theme, other events advertised with banners running, lack of interest from ORMO members), and despite quite big prize pool (thanks ishi) we got just ~12 entries. which is pretty average, especially considering skill level presented...

additionally, right now there are quite many events running + opener challenges were revieved, so I don't think that it is possible to use Oblivion's idea atm. it is epic as it needs creativity and is specific enough to make people take part in it, but I feel we shold wait with such an event till people get a bit bored with opener challenges.

I got one idea as well, and mwah gave me fine name for it today: "Replay people".

basically, every event would be presenting an epic replay maker and providing a task- make a replay in his style (and a type of replay suggested, for ex. beznick - booms). it would be quite specific task tho, as there would be always that replaymaker replays linked in first post.
it would entertain community and somehow educate it making new players interested in high-quality replays. We could use both- inactive legenda and newborn stars. Additionally, we could ask those people for help in judging. this kind of event would let us to change formula if needed as well- for example sometimes task could be using an opener of replaymaker which is a "theme", or re-making his replay, or following his "instructions" which would describe how should entry look like.

I would also change a way of judging at a points system, and provide every player a short description saying what was good / what could be improved. in terms of promoting an event, I would like You to allow me to send PMs to all ORMO members to let them know about events (just once tho, not going to spam them before each one).

so, what do You think about it? I hope that it is at least understandable, as it is goddamn late here and I am tired after my calculus marathon...