After my memory its a black hawk helicopter that got shot down by rpgs in the middle-east. The us military is going to rescue the survivors and bring them home. But its a very troubleful mission since there is lots of people with weapons that hates Americans with a passion. But after some time they are able to resque the pilot (I think) and they are heading home.

In my opinion this is an movie definitly worth watching (if you like action that is)

This movie is very old by the way.
The movie was made in 2002 or 2001.
The story is about the U.S. army trying to arrest 2 men who play a key role to a warlords operations, but there were Black Hawks getting shot, and they had to go to the planes even if there all dead, No man gets left behind.
I hated it when Blackburn fell and I like this conversation
Yurek or Yurk Im not sure:Rangers?
Twombly: Who?
Yurek: Its Yurek, you fucking assholes!
Twobly whispers: Its Yurek
Nelson: Fuck!
Twombly: Dude we almost fucking killed you!
Twombly:Come to us!
Yurek:Well fuck you come to me!
i disliked this movie immensly.
1. f--- josh hartnett
2. f--- the military and the glorification of war.
3. f--- "heroes".
(but who am i to judge, i watched the whole shitty thing when i could have just turned it off. still hated it though)