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Let's build a PC for Juha!
With Dark Souls III looming in the horizon and recent releases of high-end games lately, I have constantly been hitting a certain problem

My computer have become obsolete for gaming

Instead of buying complete computer this time around, I decided to dip my hand at the magic of building your own PC but i'm completely clueless about the inner workings of computers, so I need a lot of help!

The computer will be mainly focused on gaming, however it doesn't have to run every single game in max graphics, as long as the games run well.

Notable things:

Budget : around 500$-700$ (it can go slightly over if must)
Peripherals : only thing I really need is a suitable monitor (doesn't have to be included in the initial budget, but would be preferred)
USB slots! : i'm sucker at buying items with USB connectors, so I need multiple USB slots in the tower
Longevity : while I know that individual components can be upgraded periodically, I rather not do it once in every month
Shipping : site where I can order all of the parts all the way to the finland

If you guys have any further questions you would like to know, ask away and I try to answer as well as I can.
As i've given up on staying up to date with actual components, all i have to offer up is:

Peripherals: 32" 1080p LED HDTV

I made the switch from monitors a while back, and for gaming i highly recommend it (preference).

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I can show you parts that i recommend you to buy for a good gaming pc.

Since you are from Finland, i can give you links from popular finnish tech site.

Total: 687,30€

And if you are also looking for monitor for around 500-700€ price tag

Then you should maybe lower the cpu to something like AMD FX-6300 there isn't much of a difference between that cpu and the one i recommended for you if you OC(Overclock) FX-6300 to 4,0 Ghz. Then the performance isn't much different between FX-8350 except it has 2 more threads and 2 more cores.

And you can sure change the case/gpu/motherboard or whatever to something else. Just make sure if you for example change the motherboard, get a motherboard that supports AM3+ if you go for AMD FX cpu.

These were just the parts i recommended.

I'm sure that you'll find a good 1080p monitor for around 100-200€ maybe?

I can't really tell about the monitor you should buy just the pc.
Last edited by hunter; Mar 4, 2016 at 01:49 PM.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Originally Posted by hunter View Post
I can show you parts that i recommend you to buy for a good gaming pc.

Since you are from Finland, i can give you links from popular finnish tech site.

HORRIBLE price/performance GPU, don't buy this just because it's labeled "Nvidia". The whole 9xx Series sucks below the 970 in terms of €/value. AMD is clearly better in the range from 0-300€
AMD CPU's are Horrible aswell. This one was released in 2012, and even then it was not good. A modern i3 beats this heater in games. Don't get tricked by "hurr durr but it has 8 cores and an i3 has only 2" if I shit on your doormat eight times, it is still shit on your doormat. And even then these are not "real" 8 cores. It's 4 modules and dual cores, kinda like hyperthreading. AMD is out of the CPU market since the Core2Duo/Quad ages. And equally priced i5 suits you much better. it's faster, less powerconsuming and will last you 3-5 years.
ACtually fine, but you can save about 20€ on the case and put it in your GPU
Look at my AMD CPU comment for further information
Good Choice
Useless nowerdays, unless you install Windows via CD and not USB. You can use the one from your old Computer, don't waste money here
There is almost no storage in this config. 120GB is nothing. Put the SSD aside and buy a 1TB HDD, and add an SSD later.
Good Choice

Total: 687,30€

And if you are also looking for monitor for around 500-700€ price tag

Then you should maybe lower the cpu to something like AMD FX-6300 there isn't much of a difference between that cpu and the one i recommended for you if you OC(Overclock) FX-6300 to 4,0 Ghz. Then the performance isn't much different between FX-8350 except it has 2 more threads and 2 more cores.
And you can sure change the case/gpu/motherboard or whatever to something else. Just make sure if you for example change the motherboard, get a motherboard that supports AM3+ if you go for AMD FX cpu.

NEVER safe on the CPU. Just don't do it. It hurts the longlivity badly. Safe on the Mobo and Case. Maybe even the GPU, cause GPU's drop in value drasticly with each generation.

hunter, in all respect, that is just a devastatingly bad build for 2016.

Jimm's is expensive compared to prices I am used to, so it was hard to squeeze everything out of the money.
NOTE:This is a Bang-For-The-Buck-Build, meaning it gives you the most performance per Euro.

Intel Core i5-4460 Great CPU for nonoverclockers (which is only available for you with 300€+ CPUs), the best price/performance CPU atm.
Arctic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus CPU Cooler The i5 includes a horrible weak and loud cooler when not installed properly. Swap it for this one.

This is how you install your Intel Stock cooler to be the most quiet and efficient

MSI B85M E45 Mobo Again, Jimm's pricing and amout of parts to chose from are limited, so I picked this one, delivering the best price/performance available in the shop.
2x4GB HyperX Fury DDR3 1866MHZ RAM the same as above, but a little bit faster for the same price.
WD Blue 1TB HDD replacement for the SSD above. When chosing between Seagate and WD, always buy the WD.
Asus Radeon R7 370 2GB OC GPU Cheapest 370 I could find on Jimm's with a GREAT cooler.
LC Power 450W Silent Green Power ATX PSU same procedure as for the RAM, your system will draw about 370W at full load, no need for a 500W PSU, just save some money here.
Bitfenix Nova Case Very nice case. Bitfenix is one of my favorites when it comes to slick and easy-to-build cases
Acer s230HL 1080P monitor Suits everyones needs for gaming.

Total pricing : 755€ including monitor, 625€ without monitor.
Optionally: Kingston 120GB SSD 60€.
here is a very detailed article about what an SSD is and why you should buy them.

If you have any more questions feel free to PM me.
Last edited by Mongius; Mar 4, 2016 at 04:54 PM.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
Also I definitely agree on the TV for a monitor, it's also a ton better for your eyes because its less px/inch so everythings bigger. I'm not sure whether or not a TV would put more strain on a graphics card than a run of the mill monitor.

I use a 26" LCD TV right now because my 23" Monitor died after 6 years of usage, and it is a huge (negative) difference. everything looks stretched compared to my monitor. The colors are dull and washed out, you can clearly count the pixels in games like L4D2. TVs are not made to run 24/7 like monitors are, sometimes I get a white flicker for about 10 miliseconds. I notice no difference in strain on my eyes, I never head them on the monitor and don't have them now. (Maybe I'm a rare exclusive about this, never had a headache in my life eather). GPU is unaffected, sometimes the panel is just too slow to constantly display 60fps and breaks down to 30-40 for about a second.
ALSO: why don't you guys use or Both amazing websites, OP definitely look at that second link. The OP is also paying in dollars and you guys are doing math for Euros

OP stated :
Shipping : site where I can order all of the parts all the way to the finland

so it makes more sense to directly look at a finnish site to search at. Euros and Dollars are the same when it comes to buying hardware.

I mean I've been using an FX 8350 and have had it for 3-4 years and it's still running great. Although i would recommend going with a quad core for right now, not enough things take advantage of 8 cores.

In almost every game it is on par with the i3 4130, which is almost half the price of the 8350. It is only logical that the 4460 stomps the 8350 easily for the same money. (just google for benchmarks if you don't believe me) Also the 8350 is the highest you can get on an AMD platform. if the i3/i5 gets too weak, you can still buy an i7. The only AMD CPU i can recommand right now is the Athlon X4 870K for people who can only spend about 300$ on their build.
Last edited by Mongius; Mar 4, 2016 at 04:11 PM.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
tl;dr you try to say I got these problems because of the size of my panel? wow. Yes it is a "bad" TV because as I said before, like any TV panel it is NOT built for running 24/7, but which I have to do because of work, this is what causes it to start these problems, not the fact that it is 26". Size doesnt matter, it is 1080p, but bigger screen means more stretching.

(although id recommend not to go any lower than 32" 1080p because anything below that isnt a TV just a glorified monitor).

in fact, its not. TV and monitor panels are completely different.

Also no reason to insult me when you don't know why I am forced to use the TV as a makeshift solution. (I am customer adviser, tech supporter and server operator for a german computer store working from home, so I have to run my computer and monitor 24/7, the TV was the only things I had in home to replease the dead monitor until I can buy a new one)
Last edited by Mongius; Mar 4, 2016 at 04:33 PM.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
hunter, in all respect, that is just a devastatingly bad build for 2016.

Jimm's is expensive compared to prices I am used to, so it was hard to squeeze everything out of the money.
NOTE:This is a Bang-For-The-Buck-Build, meaning it gives you the most performance per Euro.

Intel Core i5-4460 Great CPU for nonoverclockers (which is only available for you with 300€+ CPUs), the best price/performance CPU atm.
Arctic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus CPU Cooler The i5 includes a horrible weak and loud cooler when not installed properly. Swap it for this one.

This is how you install your Intel Stock cooler to be the most quiet and efficient

MSI B85M E45 Mobo Again, Jimm's pricing and amout of parts to chose from are limited, so I picked this one, delivering the best price/performance available in the shop.
2x4GB HyperX Fury DDR3 1866MHZ RAM the same as above, but a little bit faster for the same price.
WD Blue 1TB HDD replacement for the SSD above. When chosing between Seagate and WD, always buy the WD.
Asus Radeon R7 360 2GB OC GPU Cheapest 360 I could find on Jimm's with a GREAT cooler.
LC Power 450W Silent Green Power ATX PSU same procedure as for the RAM, your system will draw about 370W at full load, no need for a 500W PSU, just save some money here.
Bitfenix Nova Case Very nice case. Bitfenix is one of my favorites when it comes to slick and easy-to-build cases
Acer s230HL 1080P monitor Suits everyones needs for gaming.

Total pricing : 725€ including monitor, 595€ without monitor.
Optionally: Kingston 120GB SSD 60€.
here is a very detailed article about what an SSD is and why you should buy them.

If you have any more questions feel free to PM me.

I recommend FX-8350 because it's the best value for multitasking and such. And if you buy FX-6300 black edition it's pretty much safe to overclock it to atleast 4,0 ghz without harming the cpu even with a stock cooler. And radeon r7 360 is complete shit honestly. GTX 950 is just little bit more expensive and twice the performance and better drivers.

there's really just no point buying better cpu than gpu. If he's up to gaming, he doens't really need a good cpu for it. Even something like Intel pentium G4520 would do the job.

I agree with you in the SSD part. What i recommended was bad.
Last edited by hunter; Mar 4, 2016 at 04:37 PM.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"