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Could you guys help me with my PC?
After recognizing that my new RAM stick won't fit i've tried to reinstall my old ones but now my PC won't send signal to my screen and keyboard!
I've already tried to reset the CMOS Battery but it still doesn't work.
Please help me my dear toribashians.
Have you chekes that all gpu and motherboard wires are on? Once i didn't get anything to my screen and it was just one wire slightly off. Pressed that on and it was okay.

I've checked the wires and there was nothing wrong
I don't think that i've damaged the mobo but maybe i have forced the ram sticks inside so hard that it accidently damaged the motherboard..
maybe i have forced the ram sticks inside so hard that it accidently damaged the motherboard..

Pretty much that. figure out which chipset you use (usually somewhere written on the board near the nordbridge or PCIe slots) and get a new one.

Oh and a tip : do NEVER use force on hardware. That hurts the feelings of your components, which makes them clinical depressive, resulting in them refusing to work for any human ever again.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
Yes that's why I asked since when I heard it occured after fiddling with RAM that is what I assumed most likely happened. Your RAM could've not been alligned or might've been backwards, upside-down, etc.
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Well usually physical damage to the motherboard caused by, no offense, neglegence or improper handeling voids your warranty.
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