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Some editing questions
There's no point creating a new thread for everything about editing titled what I want so I may as well just put all the questions here.

My questions are...

What type of CC should I use on my clips?

What songs should I be looking out for with certain things to them?

and that's pretty much it that I can think off. If I may, can a mod/admin change this to the right place please? I dunno if this belongs here or the beginner sanctuary.
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No, I think the Rapid Threads is an appropriate place for you to post this to answer that part of your question.

As far as the first question goes, I do not know the answer to that as I do not know what CC means.

Second question, however, I can suggest some ideas. Music that has a heavy beat/drop/etc will go well with videos but pretty much any song can. I particularly like the videos with either trap or dubstep music.

Good luck. c:
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Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
What type of CC should I use on my clips?

It really depends on a whole number of factors. Depends on the song, style, shader.
You wouldn't use something soft and really colorful for a hardcore edit.
Same thing goes the other way around. There's no use in using a dark, denk and scary type cc for ambient music edits.
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
What songs should I be looking out for with certain things to them?

You can use any song you want. Preferably people don't want to hear songs that are on the radio all the time, overly popular, sound terrible, or have been used in like 30 bajilion edits before.
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
and that's pretty much it that I can think off. If I may, can a mod/admin change this to the right place please? I dunno if this belongs here or the beginner sanctuary.

It belongs here.
CC is closed captioning if I'm correct Twilight. If not oh well I'm stupid

Anyways I suggest songs that are unique with not a lot of singing, maybe something like electric or dnb with some crashes and beats for tori-tearing.

Also it can belong in either since you don't know what to do. If you want me to move it let me know.
Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
CC is closed captioning if I'm correct Twilight. If not oh well I'm stupid

Anyways I suggest songs that are unique with not a lot of singing, maybe something like electric or dnb with some crashes and beats for tori-tearing.

Also it can belong in either since you don't know what to do. If you want me to move it let me know.

It does stand for closed captions on YouTube and various other video sites and such. Closed captions would not be necessary for a video about a game. That is just from a logical standpoint. Although in the context of the op's question, it is as what Dupbuck says.
Originally Posted by Dupbuck View Post
CC is color correction ;-;

also vocals are just fine.

Makes sense in my head now.

And, also, for the for the op, I think as far as color correction goes, anything that enhances colors and possibly darkens the video a bit is nice. .
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My advice:

Bitrate - Fuck resolution & defaults in your editing app. Go manual & set good bitrates to make sure it doesn't end up looking like lego bricks. HD lego is still lego after all...
People keep forgetting about that, and it's key to keeping a video looking clean. Doesn't matter what shader you use, it'll look wank if there's banding all over the colour gradients.

Music - IMO avoid anything that has a copyright on it, if it's commercial fuck it. Find some good CC stuff & make sure you keep a bookmark for it's licence so YT doesn't get all arse-rape over it.

Finally -
^ That. So long as you've used some CC/PD music you can monatize the video & maybe make a few $ off it. Spam the fucker everywhere & everyone's a winner - you get a bit closer to having some money, TB gets some love.

Oh, and PM videos to me so they can get some FB love on the TB page. ;)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Okay, thanks guys <3

I'll just bookmark this thread and that youtube policy so that I'll remember these tips
This can be closed now.
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