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Head texture "This item is not yours"!
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just bought 256x256 head texture,
so i deactivated my old 128x128 texture and when i activate my new 256x256, this message comes up:

and when i go to textures, i can see my head texture is deactivated, in same time i can see it is activated in "Activated" tab
some weird bug?


i was uploading it to the wrong slot :/
right slot is few scrolls down.

but now i have different problem,
when i upload 256x256 .PNG texture to the "256x256 Head Texture" slot, and then i click on image and then i click on "View Image Info", it say dimensions are 128x128 and file type is .JPG
so, why does automatically downscales and changes file type?
Last edited by bacic; May 11, 2014 at 06:29 PM. Reason: UPDEJT
"Head texture was activated while activating this item"

My guess is that someone else is using your account.

And did you buy this in the market? 50% chance to be a bug about the item still not being given.
Originally Posted by LunarSoul View Post
"Head texture was activated while activating this item"
My guess is that someone else is using your account.

nah, i am the only one who knows passwrd for my account

Originally Posted by LunarSoul View Post
And did you buy this in the market? 50% chance to be a bug about the item still not being given.

well, i can see item in my inventory, but imma wait for some time and see if this is case
this has happened to me previously.
deactivate the activated one.
make sure everything is deactivated
then activate it.

if that doesn't work than it may or may not be a bug.
Try sending it to someone else, then they send it back, and you try it on again.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

i was uploading it to the wrong slot :/
right slot is few scrolls down.

but now i have different problem,
when i upload 256x256 .PNG texture to the "256x256 Head Texture" slot, and then i click on image and then i click on "View Image Info", it say dimensions are 128x128 and file type is .JPG
so, why does automatically downscales and changes file type?
The thumbnail shown on the item is always scaled down to 128^2. After all it's only there so you can see what image you have on it, not to have the actual full quality art on view.
It'll display correctly ingame

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you