Original Post
[CW]Activity Log
Post here if you, or someone you know, is going to be active.
Last edited by Scorpio; Feb 17, 2015 at 11:21 PM.
Will be out from Saturday till Tuesday

won't miss me for sure...

edit: back...
Last edited by MICu; Apr 6, 2010 at 10:52 AM.
gotta go fast
max7 days

komp mój padł :P czasami będe z laptopa korzystał

komp, tablet dead kurde :P

Powas : jeżeli tego nie naprawie szybko i table nie zacznie chodzić to zam opuszczę klan :P
K guys, I will be inactive (it will be activity as in this week propably, but it could be lesser :x) till May- I has exams at the end of April... I think that in May I'll be as active as in February & March, but I'm not sure (sorry, for me "real" is more important than game, I would go to good high school in Warsaw and I cannot spent end of the schoolyear at playing)...
If I won't be active after exams- I'll post info about it at forum & leave clan.
K, bye for now.
Could be inactive for couple of days.
Need rest from this mess.
I feels like im the only one whos worring about clan etc.
Be back after short ,,holidays".
I will be out from tomorrow to Thursday...
Reason: exams.
If I have some free time, I will work at entry for ORMO cup, but I won't be at mp & IRC.... Sorry...