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English Lexicon

Had a nice laugh after watching this. What are your thoughs on this?
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Interesting video! However it doesn't ever touch on the point that English is a natural language which has evolved over 1400 years or so.
Thats a good point but I feel like the video is based on the more modern problems. On how it's evolved so far that problems like these were never though of in the past.
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
I don't see them as a problem. At least in my opinion, the entire point of language is to communicate thoughts, ideas, emotions and a few other things. If we understand each-other, then language has succeeded. English wasn't methodically planned out, nor does it need to be.
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
I don't see them as a problem. At least in my opinion, the entire point of language is to communicate thoughts, ideas, emotions and a few other things. If we understand each-other, then language has succeeded. English wasn't methodically planned out, nor does it need to be.

I have to at least half agree with this statement. Looking at words that sound the same or are spelled the same, etc, is an unhealthy approach to deciding a root causes to modern day language problems. The problems with language are much much more heavily rooted/complex.