Original Post
What's the worst job you've ever had?
-I used to be an independent contractor for a sign company; only did this for three months.
-Primarily, I'd drive my car and take pictures of signs at night anywhere from 6-8 hours while being paid $10 an hour and $1 per completed photo.
-Pay was shit for my state (South Carolina)
-Thank God I'm a UPS Driver now while in college
Last edited by Starfield; Nov 3, 2019 at 07:05 PM.
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Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Many years ago I worked as 'minor apprentice' in a big industry in my hometown. It was a industry in the textile sector, and I worked with heavy machinery maintenance.

It was 4 hours per workday and the salary was horrible. I was paid half minimum wage. I live in Brazil, so half brazillian minimum wage was at the time R$ 400,00 per month, that was equivalent to $ 100,00 per month. Yep, that was less than a dollar per work hour.

The job was dirt and ultimately boring. I had to keep oiling the machines and tightening screws the entire day.

One day in that wonderful workplace I managed to break an instrutrial loom. The machine that was 3 to 4 meters (10 to 13 feet) high and that weighted more than a ton jumped off half meter from the ground when a screw struck in between the gears. That literally made the machine split in the half. Industrial looms are extremely expensive, and as far I can remember, one of those that I broke was worth around R$ 200.000,00 ($ 50.000,00). They couldn't fix the machine because I literally destroyed it.

They couldn't fire me at the time because I was a minor and I should have been supervised (I was by myself when I broke the machine). Also, for this same reason they couldn't charge me for the financial losses they had with the machine, so they charged everybody from the entire maintenance sector by discounting the losses from theirs salaries for months.

I worked the rest of my contract with everybody literally hating me.
I worked in this huge sea food freezer-warehouse. It was -20 celsius (-4 fahrenheit) at all times and all I had to do was stand at the production line doing some repetitive task, so my body would freeze up no matter what I wore even if I'm from generally cold climate country. They advertised it as "7-12 hours a day depending on how quickly we hit our daily targets" but we worked for 13+ hours every day even when everyone was busting their ass off. Oh and all that for minimum wage. Needless to say I only worked there for like few weeks before quitting.
Last edited by Smaguris; Nov 4, 2019 at 12:27 AM.
When I was 18yo I worked as bartender for a mariage events company. The instructor teached me for literally 30 minutes and told me to go the event in the next day. The place was 7km away from my house so I had to pick a bus to go there. I remember that it was me and other 3 guys to serve 700 guests for the whole night. The event started at 4PM and finished at 4AM. 12 hours straight making drinks for drunk people that I've never seen in my entire life. When the thing finished it was too early and the buses weren't circulating but I was tired af because we had not even a single minute to rest. I slept in the bus stop for 5 hours. I earned R$100 for 12 hours, which is like $25.
Former Admin, Smod, Market Squad, Clan Squad and Toriagent. If you got any questions please don't contact me, thank you!
last summer i worked in a factory and it was pretty bad, terrible company that just treated its workers like shit. Most of the workers were recent immigrants that are not the best at the language so they were too scared to quit and the company just stepped on everyone. the shop was about 40 degrees celcius because they refused to cool the shop. Got heat stroke a few times and one guy went to the hospital. It took me about 2.5 hrs to get there and back via transit (i got a car 3/4 of the way through which cut it down to 45min) and started at 7 so id have to get on the subway at 4:30ish so i had to wake up around 3:30. once i got there I spent 9 hours a day wiping down cabinets with lacquer thinner and got yelled at every 20 min for damage to the cabinets even tho I didnt do anything to them. At the end of the day sometimes the plastic gloves they gave me would be melted through from the thinner and sometimes my hands were all burned. ontop of that the thinner would make me high af some days which did get me through the day faster lol. Got paid minimum wage (14$/hr CND) but for the work i was doing understandable. It was a good time 10/10. Worst part is there were some people doing the same thing as me but in their 30s and 40s with kids and a family to support, disgusting.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Two years ago I worked as a cashier in a lower tier supermarket. Never again.
I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
[Zero] [Parrot] [NOT] [TANG]
akina | oaky | haku | max | suka | static
I worked as a bartender and was part of a events planner team. It was fun at the beginning ngl, but the budget was so awful, that i was ''getting paid'' in snacks and drinks that which was my obligation to prepare. True Story

After that i worked as a backup for the support playback vocalist for a band at my city, the most embarrassing thing i've ever done in my life, ever.
Imagine being a backup for the support vocalist, i'm praising myself a lot calling that a job.
I also had another horrible job.

I worked as an attendent at a health center that belonged to the brazilian universal health care system. The name may look fancy, but that only means that I was the responsible for ditching out the sick poor people for not having enought doctors to attend them all.

Literally, the queue reached kilometers. I used to start working by 7 AM, and by that time, there was already a huge fucking amount of people waiting. It was extremely uncomfortable to walk by all those people while going to work, because all of them knew that I worked there and all of them kept looking weird to me. I was, literally, a 'celebrety' in the neighborhood, because I was THE GUY from the health center.

At the end, I was kinda responsible for dealing with the angry mob who didn't get their consultation.

Everything had happened there, including:
  • bribery
  • death threads
  • corporal fights between staff and patients (more than once)
  • calling over the phone a patient about a specialist consultation that just had been scheduled to just find out that the patient has died (happened 2x).

This was a conversation that I had over the phone one time:
Me: "Oh, we just scheduled the "INSERT PATIENT NAME HERE" cardiologist consultation"
Person in the other side, crying: "The "INSERT PATIENT NAMER HERE" had an heart attack last week;

  • rape accusations (including a doctor arrested)

And, of course, I had to see all kind of horrendous diseases in a daily basis. Vomit, blood and these kind of thing.

Really heavy stuff. It was pretty common to see coworkers crying at work.
I worked in that hell for 1,5 years. After that, dealing with businessman and lawyers turned out to be easy.
Last edited by Carnage; Nov 5, 2019 at 02:22 AM.
Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
I also had another horrible job.

I worked as an attendent at a health center that belonged to the brazilian universal health care system. The name may look fancy, but that only means that I was the responsible for ditching out the sick poor people for not having enought doctors to attend them all.

Literally, the queue reached kilometers. I used to start working by 7 AM, and by that time, there was already a huge fucking amount of people waiting. It was extremely uncomfortable to walk by all those people while going to work, because all of them knew that I worked there and all of them kept looking weird to me. I was, literally, a 'celebrety' in the neighborhood, because I was THE GUY from the health center.

At the end, I was kinda responsible for dealing with the angry mob who didn't get their consultation.

Everything had happened there, including:
  • bribery
  • death threads
  • corporal fights between staff and patients (more than once)
  • calling over the phone a patient about a specialist consultation that just had been scheduled to just find out that the patient has died (happened 2x).
This was a conversation that I had over the phone one time:
Me: "Oh, we just scheduled the "INSERT PATIENT NAME HERE" cardiologist consultation"
Person in the other side, crying: "The "INSERT PATIENT NAMER HERE" had an heart attack last week;
  • rape accusations (including a doctor arrested)
And, of course, I had to see all kind of horrendous diseases in a daily basis. Vomit, blood and these kind of thing.

Really heavy stuff. It was pretty common to see coworkers crying at work.
I worked in that hell for 1,5 years. After that, dealing with businessman and lawyers turned out to be easy.

Man. That really does sound terrible. I figure it had to be very hard dealing with people who put their wellbeing into your care, but you couldn't really help them.
I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
[Zero] [Parrot] [NOT] [TANG]
akina | oaky | haku | max | suka | static
Yes, that was a harsh job. Some days it went smooth, another days it was just hell.

Sadly enough, after a while, you get used to it. That's why in many cases people are literally apathetic to the situation.