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Im becoming one of them people...
So as of recent i have noticed my forum activity has gotten higher and i actually use the forum more than the game itself this is especially strange for me as i used to question why people were active on forum but hardly ever played... i guess i am much more busy now i have even resorted to making head textures on my mobile phone... which is odd...

Is this just what happens to people i am well aware of my lost count being low but it was below 50 all the way to about 9th dan...

I guess I'm going crazy
(And I love the art forum even if it depresses me as to how (enter colourful language of your choosing here) i am in comparison...

Anyone else find this happening to them?
P.S im not crazy... and neither is Ravager...
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
Eventually the game gets boring in game wise and you move on to using the forums, which is a kind of like a new game/the next step of this game, I'd think it happens to everyone who takes the time to immerse themselves in this game.
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by Pimp View Post
Eventually the game gets boring in game wise and you move on to using the forums, which is a kind of like a new game/the next step of this game, I'd think it happens to everyone who takes the time to immerse themselves in this game.

It adds more depth to the game, but is also almost like a seperate entity in that some aspects are completely unrelated to the game itself. Like Wibbles.
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
I spent a year putting about 1000+ hours and I'm guessing a lot more people feel the same when I say that other free games are better and less boring the more you play them
when the game is sp unchanging, one of the bigger factors in keeping people around is the community. the forums are the best way to experience that, i guess
Ye I can feel you as I am so active, it'd be considered an addiction. I'd check the forums on a daily basis, occasionally in each hour or sometimes even waste my whole day in it sometimes if I had nothing to do whatsoever.
I only surf the forums to keep up with what's going on and post in a org, but I also lurk around to creep on boards and be as dumb as possible without breaking rules. I've spent thousands of hours in-game, and can tell you that even though this game is so unique gameplay wise, it still can get boring with time...
besides we now have wibbles back which is the main reason why my activity skyrocketed up the last month lol
/toribash is love
/toribash is life
Well, i was active in 2007-2009 and then get bored of it, and now I come back.
It's all about the time, most of people is getting bored of game and getting more active on forums to be still in, when you totally leaving tb as me, you are missing as hell, and may be you should have some break to take a rest of this game
Playing might not always be fun, but the community sure is, or at least a select few, which is why many people mostly use the forums or prefer them as it's an easier way to interact with the community rather than coming in game
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.