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Controlling my anger towards my parents
Especially to my mom. My closest family member. There are times where I become really violent (in a verbal way) and try to make mom look pitty which is another words, called being a dickhead. She yells at me as well but she's always the right one and always wants me to do useful things.

I never fuck with my dad though. cuz, I don't even know what he can do to me when I annoy him and make him reach the limits of anger.

But for real, I need something to cure my anger towards my mother.
"No one will remember your name"
Sit down and think for a while. Try to recollect WHY you're angry at her. Once you figure that out, work on getting over it. Most of the time people hold grudges, it's because of something that happened in the past that they never let themselves get over.
I think I might be retired.
It's probably something trivial like homework or taking out the trash. I sometimes get into arguments with my mom over stuff like that. Just remember that your parents love you no matter what.
Last edited by Rouxster; Oct 28, 2016 at 09:54 AM. Reason: more useful
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Did you try talking to your mom about how angry she makes you?
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face
^This. Out of my experience, no matter what the problem is, talking is always the best option.
How old are you? Not trying to make any kid jokes here, it's just that it is really common for teenagers, and the problem often fades away in time. Doh, i'm 18 and i still sometimes yell to my mom, although it only happens when she starts by raising her voice noticeably in a way she knows it will draw my attention 100%, and in the end we are both shouting. In these cases we're conversating about important things which we have very different views on, and both are quite stubborn.
It's All About Expansion
There is always an alternative, I can imagine it's only a small thing since you didn't give details in which I would say grow up and be responsible for your actions.
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
Originally Posted by RAAAGE View Post
Can you give us some reasons for your anger towards your parents?

It's mainly about homework. She tells me that I need to get off the couch (while Im studying) and go sit on a proper chair, but I disagree and say there's no diffrence between the two stances. She tells me I'll fall asleep. I reply with if I start falling asleep I'll just go wash my face and get back to studying.

Also another problem. Is that she tells me to do the book's questions instead of just reading my copybook's lessons. What she dosen't understand is that I can't fucking complete a question if I don't revise my old lessons. But she always thinks it's the other way around.
"No one will remember your name"